
Petr Salinger

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8EEPetr Salinger, Pavel Tvrdík: Broadcasting in all-output-port cube-connected cycles with distance-insensitive switching. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(8): 1103-1110 (2006)
7EEPetr Salinger, Pavel Tvrdík: Broadcasting in All-Output-Port Meshes of Trees with Distance-Insensitive Switching. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 62(8): 1272-1294 (2002)
6 Petr Salinger, Pavel Tvrdík: Optimal broadcasting and gossiping in one-port meshes of trees with distance-insensitive routing. Parallel Computing 28(4): 627-647 (2002)
5 Petr Salinger, Pavel Tvrdík: Broadcasting in all-output-port cube-connected cycles with distance-insensitive routing. SIROCCO 2001: 321-336
4 Petr Salinger, Pavel Tvrdík: All-to-All Scatter in de Bruijn and Kautz Networks. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 20(4): (2001)
3EEPetr Salinger, Pavel Tvrdík: Broadcasting in All-Port Wormhole 3-D Meshes of Trees (Research Note). Euro-Par 2000: 931-934
2EEPetr Salinger, Pavel Tvrdík: Optimal Broadcasting in All-Port Meshes of Trees with Distance-Insensitive Routing. IPDPS 2000: 353-358
1EEPetr Salinger, Pavel Tvrdík: All-to-all Scatter in Kautz Networks. Euro-Par 1998: 1057-1061

Coauthor Index

1Pavel Tvrdík [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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