
M. Salicru

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4 Leandro Pardo, Domingo Morales, M. Salicru, María Luisa Menéndez: Generalized Divergence Measures: Information Matrices, Amount of Information, Asymptotic Distribution, and Its Applications to test Statistical Hypotheses. Inf. Sci. 84(3&4): 181-198 (1995)
3 Domingo Morales, Leandro Pardo, M. Salicru, María Luisa Menéndez: Information Matrices Associated to (h, Phi)-Divergence Measures: Applications to Testing Hypotheses. IPMU 1994: 233-240
2 T. Papaioannou, K. Ferentinos, María Luisa Menéndez, M. Salicru: Discretization of (h, phi)-Divergences. Inf. Sci. 77(3-4): 351-358 (1994)
1EEM. Salicru, I. J. Taneja: Connections of generalized divergence measures with Fisher information matrix. Inf. Sci. 72(3): 251-269 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1K. Ferentinos [2]
2María Luisa Menéndez [2] [3] [4]
3Domingo Morales [3] [4]
4T. Papaioannou [2]
5Leandro Pardo [3] [4]
6I. J. Taneja [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)