
Aitor de la Puente Salan

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1EEMartín González Rodríguez, María del Puerto Paule Ruíz, Juan Ramón Pérez Pérez, Aitor de la Puente Salan, María del Carmen Suárez Torrente: Adaptive Interactive Dialogs through the Web: Addressing User's Interaction Requirements Dynamically. ICWE 2003: 190-193

Coauthor Index

1Martin Gonzalez-Rodriguez (Martín González Rodríguez, Bernardo Martín González Rodríguez, Martín González) [1]
2Juan Ramón Pérez Pérez [1]
3María del Puerto Paule Ruíz [1]
4María del Carmen Suárez Torrente [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)