
Ana Salagean

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12EEAlexandra Alecu, Ana Salagean: A genetic algorithm for computing the k-error linear complexity of cryptographic sequences. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 3569-3576
11EEAlexandra Alecu, Ana Salagean: Modified Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm for Approximating the k -Error Linear Complexity of Binary Sequences. IMA Int. Conf. 2007: 220-232
10EEHongmei He, Ondrej Sýkora, Ana Salagean, Erkki Mäkinen: Parallelisation of genetic algorithms for the 2-page crossing number problem. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 67(2): 229-241 (2007)
9EEYee Chung Cheung, Paul Wai Chung, Ana Salagean: A Set Theoretic View of the ISA Hierarchy. IEA/AIE 2006: 127-136
8 Hongmei He, Ondrej Sýkora, Ana Salagean: Various Island-based Parallel Genetic Algorithms for the 2-Page Drawing Problem. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2006: 316-323
7EEAna Salagean: Repeated-root cyclic and negacyclic codes over a finite chain ring. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(2): 413-419 (2006)
6EEAna Salagean: On the computation of the linear complexity and the k-error linear complexity of binary sequences with period a power of two. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(3): 1145-1150 (2005)
5EEAna Salagean: On the Computation of the Linear Complexity and the k-Error Linear Complexity of Binary Sequences with Period a Power of Two. SETA 2004: 179-184
4EEGraham H. Norton, Ana Salagean: Strong Gröbner bases and cyclic codes over a finite-chain ring. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 6: 240-250 (2001)
3EEGraham H. Norton, Ana Salagean: On the Structure of Linear and Cyclic Codes over a Finite Chain Ring. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 10(6): 489-506 (2000)
2 Graham H. Norton, Ana Salagean: On the Hamming distance of linear codes over a finite chain ring. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(3): 1060-1067 (2000)
1EEGraham H. Norton, Ana Salagean: On Efficient Decoding of Alternant Codes over a Commutative Ring. IMA Int. Conf. 1999: 173-178

Coauthor Index

1Alexandra Alecu [11] [12]
2Yee Chung Cheung [9]
3Paul Wai Chung [9]
4Hongmei He [8] [10]
5Erkki Mäkinen [10]
6Graham H. Norton [1] [2] [3] [4]
7Ondrej Sýkora [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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