
Kazuhisa Sakakibara

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5EETakashi Yoshida, Kazuhisa Sakakibara, Masatoshi Asami, Kuo-Hsiang Chen, Jenn-Huei Lii, Norman L. Allinger: Molecular mechanics (MM3) calculations on lithium amide compounds. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(3): 319-327 (2003)
4EEJaroslava Halova, Premysl Zak, Pavel Stopka, Tomoaki Yuzuri, Yukino Abe, Kazuhisa Sakakibara, Hiroko Suezawa, Minoru Hirota: Structure-Sweetness Relationships of Aspartame Derivatives by GUHA. Discovery Science 2002: 291-296
3EEJaroslava Halova, Oldrich Strouf, Premysl Zak, Anna Sochorova, Noritaka Uchida, Hiroshi Okimoto, Tomoaki Yuzuri, Kazuhisa Sakakibara, Minoru Hirota: Computer Aided Hypothesis Based Drug Discovery Using CATALYSTRTM and PC GUHA Software Systems (A Case Study of Catechol Analogs Against Malignant Melanoma). Discovery Science 1998: 447-448
2EEKeiji Iwao, Kazuhisa Sakakibara, Minoru Hirota: Evaluation of reactivity for nitroxide radical trapping by correlation analysis using steric substituent parameter (S). Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(2): 215-221 (1998)
1EEMinoru Hirota, Kazuhisa Sakakibara, Tamiki Komatsuzaki, Ikuo Akai: A New Steric Substituent Constant S Based on Molecular Mechanics Calculations. Computers & Chemistry 15(3): 241-248 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Yukino Abe [4]
2Ikuo Akai [1]
3Norman L. Allinger [5]
4Masatoshi Asami [5]
5Kuo-Hsiang Chen [5]
6Jaroslava Halova [3] [4]
7Minoru Hirota [1] [2] [3] [4]
8Keiji Iwao [2]
9Tamiki Komatsuzaki [1]
10Jenn-Huei Lii [5]
11Hiroshi Okimoto [3]
12Anna Sochorova [3]
13Pavel Stopka [4]
14Oldrich Strouf [3]
15Hiroko Suezawa [4]
16Noritaka Uchida [3]
17Takashi Yoshida [5]
18Tomoaki Yuzuri [3] [4]
19Premysl Zak [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)