
R. Sakai

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4EEH. S. Jung, R. Sakai: Orthonormal polynomials with exponential-type weights. Journal of Approximation Theory 152(2): 215-238 (2008)
3EET. Kasuga, R. Sakai: Orthonormal polynomials for generalized Freud-type weights and higher-order Hermite-Feje'r interpolation polynomials. Journal of Approximation Theory 127(1): 1-38 (2004)
2EET. Kasuga, R. Sakai: Orthonormal polynomials with generalized Freud-type weights. Journal of Approximation Theory 121(1): 13-53 (2003)
1 K. Takahashi, R. Sakai, H. Ueda, T. Miyanhara: Learning Formations in Simulated Soccer by a Genetic Algorithm. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2000: 58-64

Coauthor Index

1H. S. Jung [4]
2T. Kasuga [2] [3]
3T. Miyanhara [1]
4K. Takahashi [1]
5H. Ueda [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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