
Keizo Saisho

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23EENoritaka Ishizumi, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: A design of flash memory file system for embedded systems. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(1): 91-100 (2004)
22EEShigeaki Tagashira, Akira Fukuda, Keizo Saisho: Efficiently Announcing Multimedia Information from Mobile Computers with the WOR Toolkit. ISADS 2001: 227-230
21EEKenya Sato, Soichi Hasegawa, Shigeaki Tagashira, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Performance Modeling of Layered-Data Delivery for Mobile Users through Broadcast/On-Demand Hybrid Communication. Mobile Data Management 2001: 284-286
20EEShigeaki Tagashira, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Design and Implementation of an Information Announcement Toolkit for Mobile Computers. Mobile Data Management 2001: 65-76
19 Keizo Saisho, Shuichi Kitaguchiy, Shinji Matsuuraz, Akira Fukuda: Design and Implementation of a Flexible Scheduling Mechanism on User-Level Thread Library PPL. PDPTA 2000
18 Takahiro Koita, Tetsuro Katayama, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Performance Evaluation of Home-Cluster Based Scheduling for NUMA Multiprocessors. PDPTA 2000
17EETakahiro Koita, Tetsuro Katayama, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Memory Conscious Scheduling for Cluster-based NUMA Multiprocessors. The Journal of Supercomputing 16(3): 217-235 (2000)
16EETetsuro Katayama, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Proposal of a Support System for Device Driver Generation. APSEC 1999: 494-
15EEJunichi Funasaka, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Automatic Selecting of Required NetNews Articles. APSEC 1999: 88-
14 Junichi Funasaka, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Evaluation of Caching Algorithm for NetNews. Applied Informatics 1999: 175-182
13 Tetsuro Katayama, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Generating a Device Driver with a Formal Specification Language. Applied Informatics 1999: 638-643
12 Kazuhiko Kashiwagi, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: A Dynamically Reconfigurable Operating System Server with Protection. Applied Informatics 1999: 644-653
11EEShigeaki Tagashira, Fumitake Inada, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Design and Evaluation of an Information Announcement Mechanism for Mobile Computers. MDA 1999: 135-145
10 Takahiro Koita, Tetsuro Katayama, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Home-cluster Based Processor Scheduling with Page Placement for NUMA Multiprocessors. PDPTA 1999: 539-545
9 Shigeaki Tagashira, O. Yasuda, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: A Cache System of Location Dependent Data for a Mobile Computer with Mobility Specification. PDPTA 1999: 970-976
8 Kenya Sato, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: A Cache System of Location Dependent Data for a Mobile Computer with Mobility Specification. PDPTA 1999: 977-983
7EEShigeaki Tagashira, Keizo Saisho, Fumitake Inada, Akira Fukuda: A Copy Update Mechanism for a Mobile Information Announcement System.- Transmitting Non-storage Type Resources with Redundancy -. ER Workshops 1998: 266-277
6EEShigeaki Tagashira, Fumitake Inada, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Design and Implementation of a Copy Update Mechanism on a Mobile Information Announcement System. ICPADS 1998: 172-
5EEChikara Sakamoto, Teruki Miyazaki, Masayuki Kuwayama, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Design and implementation of a Parallel Pthread Library (PPL) with parallelism and portability. Systems and Computers in Japan 29(2): 28-35 (1998)
4EEYukio Ohishi, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Performance evaluation of Two-level Scheduling algorithms for NUMA multiprocessors. Systems and Computers in Japan 29(2): 36-46 (1998)
3EENoriki Ogura, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Design of Protocols in Timed CSP for Highly Reliable and Available Client-Server System. APSEC 1997: 495-
2EEKeizo Saisho, Takeshi Sano, Keniti Iwata, Akira Fukuda: The Architecture of OCMP and its Evaluation. ISPAN 1997: 71-77
1EEKazuhiko Kashiwagi, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda: Design and Implementation of Dynamically Reconstructing System Software. APSEC 1996: 278-287

Coauthor Index

1Akira Fukuda [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
2Junichi Funasaka [14] [15]
3Soichi Hasegawa [21]
4Fumitake Inada [6] [7] [11]
5Noritaka Ishizumi [23]
6Keniti Iwata [2]
7Kazuhiko Kashiwagi [1] [12]
8Tetsuro Katayama [10] [13] [16] [17] [18]
9Shuichi Kitaguchiy [19]
10Takahiro Koita [10] [17] [18]
11Masayuki Kuwayama [5]
12Shinji Matsuuraz [19]
13Teruki Miyazaki [5]
14Noriki Ogura [3]
15Yukio Ohishi [4]
16Chikara Sakamoto [5]
17Takeshi Sano [2]
18Kenya Sato [8] [21]
19Shigeaki Tagashira [6] [7] [9] [11] [20] [21] [22]
20O. Yasuda [9]

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