
Youssouf Saidali

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4 Youssouf Saidali, Éric Trupin, Jacques Labiche: Interaction homme-machine pour le recueil et la valorisation de connaissances traiteur d'images. EGC 2003: 119-130
3EEMathieu Delalandre, Youssouf Saidali, Éric Trupin, Jean-Marc Ogier: Adaptable Vectorisation System Based on Strategic Knowledge and XML Representation Use. GREC 2003: 199-210
2EEYoussouf Saidali, Sébastien Adam, Jean-Marc Ogier, Éric Trupin, Jacques Labiche: Knowledge Representation and Acquisition for Engineering Document Analysis. GREC 2003: 25-37
1 Youssouf Saidali, Éric Trupin, Jacques Labiche, Nathalie Baudouin, Maryvonne Holzem: Incremental Modelling and Acquisition of Image Processing knowledge. ICWI 2002: 184-190

Coauthor Index

1Sébastien Adam [2]
2Nathalie Baudouin [1]
3Mathieu Delalandre [3]
4Maryvonne Holzem [1]
5Jacques Labiche [1] [2] [4]
6Jean-Marc Ogier [2] [3]
7Éric Trupin [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)