
Yuji Sagawa

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3EEYusuke Ishida, Toshimitsu Tanaka, Noboru Sugie, Yuji Sagawa: Feature Point Matching of Stereo Images by using a Projective Invariant. MVA 2005: 249-252
2EEYuji Ichioka, Tsuyoshi Yamamura, Yuji Sagawa, Noboru Ohnishi, Noboru Sugie: Evaluation of abstracts based on surface information of sentences. Systems and Computers in Japan 31(3): 104-114 (2000)
1EEYuji Sagawa, Noboru Ohnishi, Noboru Sugie: A Parser Coping With Self-Repaired Japanese Utterances And Large Corpus-Based Evaluation. COLING 1994: 593-597

Coauthor Index

1Yuji Ichioka [2]
2Yusuke Ishida [3]
3Noboru Ohnishi [1] [2]
4Noboru Sugie [1] [2] [3]
5Toshimitsu Tanaka [3]
6Tsuyoshi Yamamura [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)