
Martin Sadler

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3EEMarco Casassa Mont, Keith Harrison, Martin Sadler: The HP time vault service: exploiting IBE for timed release of confidential information. WWW 2003: 160-169
2EEMarco Casassa Mont, Adrian Baldwin, Yolanta Beres, Keith Harrison, Martin Sadler, Simon Shiu: Reducing Risks of Widespread Faults and Attacks for Commercial Software Applications: Towards Diversity of Software Components. COMPSAC 2002: 271-278
1 Anthony Finkelstein, Hugo Fuks, Celso Niskier, Martin Sadler: Constructing a dialogic framework for software development. ISPW 1988: 68-72

Coauthor Index

1Adrian Baldwin [2]
2Yolanta Beres [2]
3Anthony Finkelstein [1]
4Hugo Fuks [1]
5Keith Harrison [2] [3]
6Marco Casassa Mont [2] [3]
7Celso Niskier [1]
8Simon Shiu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)