
M. Sadkane

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5EEM. Sadkane: Norm estimates of the Fourier series coefficients of the matrix resolvent. Appl. Math. Lett. 18(2): 149-153 (2005)
4EEG. Hechmé, M. Sadkane: Computing Eigenvalues of the Discretized Navier-Stokes Model by the Generalized Jacobi-Davidson Method. NAA 2004: 304-311
3EEP.-F. Lavallée, M. Sadkane: Pseudospectra of Linear Matrix Pencils by Block Diagonalization. Computing 60(2): 133-156 (1998)
2 V. Heuveline, M. Sadkane: Parallel Computation of Spectral Portrait of Large Matrices. PARA 1996: 398-407
1 P.-F. Lavallée, A. N. Malyshev, M. Sadkane: Spectral Portrait of Matrices by Block Diagonalization. WNAA 1996: 266-273

Coauthor Index

1G. Hechmé [4]
2V. Heuveline [2]
3P.-F. Lavallée [1] [3]
4A. N. Malyshev [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)