
Mike Sablatash

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5EEMike Sablatash: Designs and architectures of filter bank trees for spectrally efficient multi-user communications: review, modifications and extensions of wavelet packet filter bank trees. Signal, Image and Video Processing 2(1): 9-37 (2008)
4 Mike Sablatash, Todor Cooklev, John H. Lodge: Design and Implementation of Wavelet Packet-Based Filter Bank Trees for Multiple Access Communications. ICC (1) 1997: 176-181
3 Mike Sablatash: Error-control coding, modulation and equalization for all-digital advanced television: state of the art and future possibilities. Information Theory and Applications 1993: 45-66
2 To-Yat Cheung, Mike Sablatash: A Functional Network Model for Analytical File Management in ISDN Systems from Generalization of Videotex Systems. Computer Networks 16: 299-310 (1989)
1 J. A. Field, H. C. Ratz, Mike Sablatash: Performance Factors in Videotex Systems. INFOCOM 1984: 361-368

Coauthor Index

1To-Yat Cheung [2]
2Todor Cooklev [4]
3J. A. Field [1]
4John H. Lodge [4]
5H. C. Ratz [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)