
Nicole J. Saam

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4EEWolfgang Kerber, Nicole J. Saam: Competition as a Test of Hypotheses: Simulation of Knowledge-generating Market Processes. J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 4(3): (2001)
3EENicole J. Saam, Andreas Harrer: Simulating Norms, Social Inequality, and Functional Change in Artificial Societies. J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 2(1): (1999)
2 Edmund Chattoe, Nicole J. Saam, Michael Möhring: Sensitivity Analysis in the Social Sciences: Problems and Prospects. Tools and Techniques for Social Science Simulation 1997: 243-273
1 Nicole J. Saam: Multilevel Modelling with MIMOSE: Experinece from a Social Science Application. Social Science Microsimulation 1995: 138-154

Coauthor Index

1Edmund Chattoe [2]
2Andreas Harrer [3]
3Wolfgang Kerber [4]
4Michael Möhring [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)