
Sabine Süsstrunk

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25EERadhakrishna Achanta, Francisco J. Estrada, Patricia Wils, Sabine Süsstrunk: Salient Region Detection and Segmentation. ICVS 2008: 66-75
24EEJhilmil Jain, Nina Bhatti, H. Harlyn Baker, Hui Chao, Mohamed Dekhil, Michael Harville, Nic Lyons, John Schettino, Sabine Süsstrunk: Color match: an imaging based mobile cosmetics advisory service. Mobile HCI 2008: 331-334
23EERoberto Costantini, Luciano Sbaiz, Sabine Süsstrunk: Higher Order SVD Analysis for Dynamic Texture Synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(1): 42-52 (2008)
22EERobert Constantini, Luciano Sbaiz, Sabine Süsstrunk: Dynamic Texture Synthesis: Compact Models Based on Luminance-Chrominance Color Representation. ICIP 2006: 2085-2088
21EERoberto Costantini, Luciano Sbaiz, Sabine Süsstrunk: Dynamic Texture Analysis and Synthesis Using Tensor Decomposition. ISVC (2) 2006: 245-254
20EEL. Meylan, Sabine Süsstrunk: High dynamic range image rendering with a retinex-based adaptive filter. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(9): 2820-2830 (2006)
19EEPatrick Vandewalle, Luciano Sbaiz, Martin Vetterli, Sabine Süsstrunk: Super-resolution from highly undersampled images. ICIP (1) 2005: 889-892
18EEMichael Harville, H. Harlyn Baker, Nina Bhatti, Sabine Süsstrunk: Consistent image-based measurement and classification of skin color. ICIP (2) 2005: 374-377
17EEDavid Alleysson, Sabine Süsstrunk, Jeanny Hérault: Linear demosaicing inspired by the human visual system. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14(4): 439-449 (2005)
16EENathan Moroney, Sabine Süsstrunk: Spatial Frequency and Lightness. Color Imaging Conference 2004: 18-21
15EEDavid Alleysson, Sabine Süsstrunk: Spatio-chromatic ICA of a Mosaiced Color Image. ICA 2004: 946-953
14 Roberto Costantini, Gloria Menegaz, Sabine Süsstrunk: A measure for spatial dependence in natural stochastic textures. ICIP 2004: 1525-1528
13EEClément Fredembach, Michael Schröder, Sabine Süsstrunk: Eigenregions for Image Classification. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(12): 1645-1649 (2004)
12EEDavid Hasler, Sabine Süsstrunk: Mapping colour in image stitching applications. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 15(1): 65-90 (2004)
11EEDavid Hasler, Sabine Süsstrunk: Using Colour to Model Outliers. Color Imaging Conference 2003: 107-114
10EEDavid Alleysson, Sabine Süsstrunk, Joanna Marguier: Influence of Spectral Sensitivity Functions on Color Demosaicing. Color Imaging Conference 2003: 351-357
9EEClément Fredembach, Michael Schröder, Sabine Süsstrunk: Region-Based Image Classification for Automatic Color Correction. Color Imaging Conference 2003: 59-65
8 Patrick Vandewalle, Sabine Süsstrunk, Martin Vetterli: Superresolution images reconstructed from aliased images. VCIP 2003: 1398-1405
7EEDavid Hasler, Luciano Sbaiz, Sabine Süsstrunk, Martin Vetterli: Outlier Modeling in Image Matching. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(3): 301-315 (2003)
6EERaimondo Schettini, Christine Fernandez, Sabine Süsstrunk: Preface. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(11): 1651-1652 (2003)
5EEDavid Alleysson, Sabine Süsstrunk, Jeanny Hérault: Color Demosaicing by Estimating Luminance and Opponent Chromatic Signals in the Fourier Domain. Color Imaging Conference 2002: 331-336
4EEGraham D. Finlayson, Sabine Süsstrunk: Optimization for Hue Constant RGB Sensors. Color Imaging Conference 2002: 343-248
3EEGraham D. Finlayson, Sabine Süsstrunk: Spherical Sampling and Color Transformations. Color Imaging Conference 2001: 321-325
2EEGraham D. Finlayson, Sabine Süsstrunk: Performance of a Chromatic Adaptation Transform based on Spectral Sharpening. Color Imaging Conference 2000: 49-55
1 Sabine Süsstrunk, Robert Buckley, Steve Swen: Standard RGB Color Spaces. Color Imaging Conference 1999: 127-134

Coauthor Index

1Radhakrishna Achanta [25]
2David Alleysson [5] [10] [15] [17]
3H. Harlyn Baker [18] [24]
4Nina T. Bhatti (Nina Bhatti) [18] [24]
5Robert Buckley [1]
6Hui Chao [24]
7Robert Constantini [22]
8Roberto Costantini [14] [21] [23]
9Mohamed Dekhil [24]
10Francisco J. Estrada [25]
11Christine Fernandez [6]
12Graham D. Finlayson [2] [3] [4]
13Clément Fredembach [9] [13]
14Michael Harville [18] [24]
15David Hasler [7] [11] [12]
16Jeanny Hérault [5] [17]
17Jhilmil Jain [24]
18Nic Lyons [24]
19Joanna Marguier [10]
20Gloria Menegaz [14]
21L. Meylan [20]
22Nathan Moroney [16]
23Luciano Sbaiz [7] [19] [21] [22] [23]
24Raimondo Schettini [6]
25John Schettino [24]
26Michael Schröder [9] [13]
27Steve Swen [1]
28Patrick Vandewalle [8] [19]
29Martin Vetterli [7] [8] [19]
30Patricia Wils [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)