
Kenneth Sörensen

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14 Carlos Cotta, Marc Sevaux, Kenneth Sörensen: Adaptive and Multilevel Metaheuristics Springer 2008
13EEKenneth Sörensen, Marc Sevaux, Patrick Schittekat: "Multiple Neighbourhood" Search in Commercial VRP Packages: Evolving Towards Self-Adaptive Methods. Adaptive and Multilevel Metaheuristics 2008: 239-253
12EEKris Ven, Kenneth Sörensen, Jan Verelst, Marc Sevaux: Stimulating information sharing, collaboration and learning in operations research with libOR. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 8(2): 79-90 (2008)
11EEWout Dullaert, Marc Sevaux, Kenneth Sörensen, Johan Springael: Applications of metaheuristics. European Journal of Operational Research 179(3): 601-604 (2007)
10EEKenneth Sörensen: Multi-objective optimization of mobile phone keymaps for typing messages using a word list. European Journal of Operational Research 179(3): 838-846 (2007)
9EEKenneth Sörensen: Distance measures based on the edit distance for permutation-type representations. J. Heuristics 13(1): 35-47 (2007)
8EEKenneth Sörensen, Marc Sevaux: MA mid PM: memetic algorithms with population management. Computers & OR 33: 1214-1225 (2006)
7EEGerrit K. Janssens, Kenneth Sörensen, Arthur Limère, Koen Vanhoof: Analysis of Company Growth Data Using Genetic Algorithms on Binary Trees. PAKDD 2005: 234-239
6EEMarc Sevaux, Kenneth Sörensen: A genetic algorithm for robust schedules in a one-machine environment with ready times and due dates. 4OR 2(2): 129-147 (2004)
5EEKenneth Sörensen, Gerrit K. Janssens: A Petri net model of a continuous flow transfer line with unreliable machines. European Journal of Operational Research 152(1): 248-262 (2004)
4EEKenneth Sörensen: A framework for robust and flexible optimisation using metaheuristics. 4OR 1(4): 341-345 (2003)
3EEKenneth Sörensen, Gerrit K. Janssens: Data mining with genetic algorithms on binary trees. European Journal of Operational Research 151(2): 253-264 (2003)
2 Gerrit K. Janssens, Kenneth Sörensen: On the validity of generating gamma variates through the generalized lambda distribution. ESM 2000: 38-42
1 Kenneth Sörensen: Robust optimization of the vehicle routing and scheduling problem with the window constraints using Taguchi methods. ESM 2000: 423-427

Coauthor Index

1Carlos Cotta [14]
2Wout Dullaert [11]
3Gerrit K. Janssens [2] [3] [5] [7]
4Arthur Limère [7]
5Patrick Schittekat [13]
6Marc Sevaux [6] [8] [11] [12] [13] [14]
7Johan Springael [11]
8Koen Vanhoof [7]
9Kris Ven [12]
10Jan Verelst [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)