
Thomas Sangild Sørensen

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5EEBaudouin Denis de Senneville, Karsten O. Noe, Mario Ries, Michael Pedersen, Chrit T. W. Moonen, Thomas Sangild Sørensen: An optimised multi-baseline approach for on-line MR-temperature monitoring on commodity graphics hardware. ISBI 2008: 1513-1516
4EEAllan Rasmusson, Jesper Mosegaard, Thomas Sangild Sørensen: Exploring Parallel Algorithms for Volumetric Mass-Spring-Damper Models in CUDA. ISBMS 2008: 49-58
3EEThomas Sangild Sørensen, Tobias Schaeffter, Karsten O. Noe, Michael Sass Hansen: Accelerating the Nonequispaced Fast Fourier Transform on Commodity Graphics Hardware. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 27(4): 538-547 (2008)
2EEThomas Sangild Sørensen, Jesper Mosegaard: An Introduction to GPU Accelerated Surgical Simulation. ISBMS 2006: 93-104
1 Thomas Sangild Sørensen, Søren Vorre Therkildsen, Piotr Makowski, Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen, Erik Morre Pedersen: A new virtual reality approach for planning of cardiac interventions. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 22(3): 193-214 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Sass Hansen [3]
2Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen [1]
3Piotr Makowski [1]
4Chrit T. W. Moonen [5]
5Jesper Mosegaard [2] [4]
6Karsten O. Noe [3] [5]
7Erik Morre Pedersen [1]
8Michael Pedersen [5]
9Allan Rasmusson [4]
10Mario Ries [5]
11Tobias Schaeffter [3]
12Baudouin Denis de Senneville [5]
13Søren Vorre Therkildsen [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)