
András Sárközy

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15EERudolf Ahlswede, Julien Cassaigne, András Sárközy: On the correlation of binary sequences. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(9): 1478-1487 (2008)
14EERudolf Ahlswede, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Large Families of Pseudorandom Sequences of k Symbols and Their Complexity - Part I. GTIT-C 2006: 293-307
13EERudolf Ahlswede, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Large Families of Pseudorandom Sequences of k Symbols and Their Complexity - Part II. GTIT-C 2006: 308-325
12EEJoël Rivat, András Sárközy: On Pseudorandom Sequences and Their Application. GTIT-C 2006: 343-361
11EEAndrás Sárközy, Gábor N. Sárközy: On the size of partial block designs with large blocks. Discrete Mathematics 305(1-3): 264-275 (2005)
10EERudolf Ahlswede, Julien Cassaigne, András Sárközy: On the correlation of binary sequences. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 21: 169-171 (2005)
9EERudolf Ahlswede, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Large families of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols and their complexity, Part II. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 21: 199-201 (2005)
8EERudolf Ahlswede, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Large families of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols and their complexity, Part I. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 21: 203-204 (2005)
7EEJoël Rivat, András Sárközy: On pseudorandom sequences and their application. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 21: 369-370 (2005)
6EEChristian Mauduit, András Sárközy: On the measures of pseudorandomness of binary sequences. Discrete Mathematics 271(1-3): 195-207 (2003)
5EEPaul Erdös, Vsevolod F. Lev, Gerard Rauzy, Csaba Sándor, András Sárközy: Greedy algorithm, arithmetic progressions, subset sums and divisibility. Discrete Mathematics 200(1-3): 119-135 (1999)
4EEPaul Erdös, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: On arithmetic properties of integers with missing digits II: Prime factors. Discrete Mathematics 200(1-3): 149-164 (1999)
3EEPaul Erdös, András Sárközy, Vera T. Sós: On additive properties of general sequences. Discrete Mathematics 136(1-3): 75-99 (1994)
2EEPaul Erdös, András Sárközy: Arithmetic progressions in subset sums. Discrete Mathematics 102(3): 249-264 (1992)
1EEPaul Erdös, Jean-Louis Nicolas, András Sárközy: On the number of partitions of n without a given subsum (I). Discrete Mathematics 75(1-3): 155-166 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Rudolf Ahlswede [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [15]
2Julien Cassaigne [10] [15]
3Paul Erdös [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Vsevolod F. Lev [5]
5Christian Mauduit [4] [6] [8] [9] [13] [14]
6Jean-Louis Nicolas [1]
7Gerard Rauzy [5]
8Joël Rivat [7] [12]
9Csaba Sándor [5]
10Gábor N. Sárközy [11]
11Vera T. Sós [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)