
Martí Sánchez

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12 Martin C. Cooper, Simon de Givry, Martí Sánchez, Thomas Schiex, Matthias Zytnicki: Virtual Arc Consistency for Weighted CSP. AAAI 2008: 253-258
11EEMartí Sánchez, Simon de Givry, Thomas Schiex: Mendelian Error Detection in Complex Pedigrees Using Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Techniques. Constraints 13(1-2): 130-154 (2008)
10 Martí Sánchez, Simon de Givry, Thomas Schiex: Mendelian error detection in complex pedigrees using weighted constraint satisfaction techniques. CCIA 2007: 29-37
9EEMartí Sánchez, Javier Larrosa, Pedro Meseguer: Tree Decomposition with Function Filtering. CP 2005: 593-606
8EEMartí Sánchez, Javier Larrosa, Pedro Meseguer: Improving Tree Decomposition Methods With Function Filtering. IJCAI 2005: 1537-1538
7EEMartí Sánchez, Pedro Meseguer, Javier Larrosa: Improving the Applicability of Adaptive Consistency: Preliminary Results. CP 2004: 757-761
6 Martí Sánchez, Pedro Meseguer, Javier Larrosa: Using Constraints with Memory to Implement Variable Elimination. ECAI 2004: 216-220
5 Pedro Meseguer, Noureddine Bouhmala, Taoufik Bouzoubaa, Morten Irgens, Martí Sánchez: Current Approaches for Solving Over-Constrained Problems. Constraints 8(1): 9-39 (2003)
4EEPedro Meseguer, Martí Sánchez, Gérard Verfaillie: Opportunistic Specialization in Russian Doll Search. CP 2002: 264-279
3 Javier Larrosa, Pedro Meseguer, Martí Sánchez: Pseudo-tree Search with Soft Constraints. ECAI 2002: 131-135
2EEPedro Meseguer, Javier Larrosa, Martí Sánchez: Lower Bounds for Non-binary Constraint Optimization Problems. CP 2001: 317-331
1EEPedro Meseguer, Martí Sánchez: Specializing Russian Doll Search. CP 2001: 464-478

Coauthor Index

1Noureddine Bouhmala [5]
2Taoufik Bouzoubaa [5]
3Martin C. Cooper [12]
4Simon de Givry [10] [11] [12]
5Morten Irgens [5]
6Javier Larrosa [2] [3] [6] [7] [8] [9]
7Pedro Meseguer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
8Thomas Schiex [10] [11] [12]
9Gérard Verfaillie [4]
10Matthias Zytnicki [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)