
Lidia Sánchez

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5EELidia Sánchez, Víctor González, Enrique Alegre, Rocío Aláiz: Classification and Quantification Based on Image Analysis for Sperm Samples with Uncertain Damaged/Intact Cell Proportions. ICIAR 2008: 827-836
4EELuis Panizo, Ramón-Ángel Fernández, Lidia Sánchez: A WebQuest Framework to Improve the Study of Deadlock and Process Synchronization. J. UCS 13(7): 932-937 (2007)
3EEMichael Biehl, Piter Pasma, Marten Pijl, Lidia Sánchez, Nicolai Petkov: Classification of Boar Sperm Head Images using Learning Vector Quantization. ESANN 2006: 545-550
2EELidia Sánchez, Nicolai Petkov, Enrique Alegre: Statistical Approach to Boar Semen Head Classification Based on Intracellular Intensity Distribution. CAIP 2005: 88-95
1EELidia Sánchez, Nicolai Petkov, Enrique Alegre: Classification of Boar Spermatozoid Head Images Using a Model Intracellular Density Distribution. CIARP 2005: 154-160

Coauthor Index

1Rocío Aláiz [5]
2Enrique Alegre [1] [2] [5]
3Michael Biehl [3]
4Ramón-Ángel Fernández [4]
5Víctor González [5]
6Luis Panizo [4]
7Piter Pasma [3]
8Nicolai Petkov (Nikolai Petkov) [1] [2] [3]
9Marten Pijl [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)