
Juan A. Sánchez

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11EEJuan A. Sánchez, Pedro M. Ruiz: Energy-efficient geographic multicast routing for error-prone wireless sensor networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 9(3): 395-404 (2009)
10EEJuan A. Sánchez, Rafael Marín-Pérez, Pedro M. Ruiz: Beacon-Less Geographic Routing in Real Wireless Sensor Networks. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 23(3): 438-450 (2008)
9EEJuan A. Sánchez, Pedro M. Ruiz, Ivan Stojmenovic: Energy-efficient geographic multicast routing for Sensor and Actuator Networks. Computer Communications 30(13): 2519-2531 (2007)
8EEHéctor Tejeda, Edgar Chávez, Juan A. Sánchez, Pedro M. Ruiz: Energy-Efficient Face Routing on the Virtual Spanner. ADHOC-NOW 2006: 101-113
7EEJuan A. Sánchez, Pedro M. Ruiz: Improving Delivery Ratio and Power Efficiency in Unicast Geographic Routing with a Realistic Physical Layer for Wireless Sensor Networks. DSD 2006: 591-597
6EEManuel Sánchez, Gabriel López, Óscar Cánovas Reverte, Juan A. Sánchez, Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta: An Access Control System for Multimedia Content Distribution. EuroPKI 2006: 169-183
5EEJuan A. Sánchez, Pedro M. Ruiz: LEMA: Localized Energy-Efficient Multicast Algorithm based on Geographic Routing. LCN 2006: 3-12
4EEJuan A. Sánchez, Pedro M. Ruiz: Exploiting Local Knowledge to Enhance Energy-Efficient Geographic Routing. MSN 2006: 567-578
3EEHéctor Tejeda, Edgar Chávez, Juan A. Sánchez, Pedro M. Ruiz: A Virtual Spanner for Efficient Face Routing in Multihop Wireless Networks. PWC 2006: 459-470
2EEPedro M. Ruiz, Juan A. Sánchez, Emilio Garcia, Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta, Juan A. Botía, Andreas Kassler, Teodora Guenkova-Luy: Adaptive Multimedia Multi-Party Communication in Ad Hoc Environments. HICSS 2004
1EEJuan A. Botía, Pedro M. Ruiz, Juan A. Sánchez, Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta: Adaptive P2P Multimedia Communication Using Hybrid Learning. CAEPIA 2003: 116-125

Coauthor Index

1Juan A. Botía Blaya (Juan A. Botía) [1] [2]
2Edgar Chávez [3] [8]
3Emilio Garcia [2]
4Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta (Antonio Fernandez Gómez-Skarmeta) [1] [2] [6]
5Teodora Guenkova-Luy [2]
6Andreas Kassler [2]
7Rafael Marín-Pérez [10]
8Gabriel López Millán (Gabriel López) [6]
9Óscar Cánovas Reverte (Oscar Cánovas Reverte) [6]
10Pedro M. Ruiz [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
11Manuel Sánchez [6]
12Ivan Stojmenovic [9]
13Héctor Tejeda [3] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)