
Héctor Sanvicente Sánchez

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6EEHéctor Sanvicente Sánchez, Yolanda Solís-Alvarado: Generator of Synthetic Rainfall Time Series through Markov Hidden States. ICCSA (2) 2008: 959-969
5EEJuan Frausto Solís, Héctor Sanvicente Sánchez, Froilán Imperial-Valenzuela: ANDYMARK: An Analytical Method to Establish Dynamically the Length of the Markov Chain in Simulated Annealing for the Satisfiability Problem. SEAL 2006: 269-276
4EEHéctor Sanvicente Sánchez, Juan Frausto Solís, Froilán Imperial-Valenzuela: Solving SAT Problems with TA Algorithms Using Constant and Dynamic Markov Chains Length. AAIM 2005: 281-290
3EEHéctor Sanvicente Sánchez, Juan Frausto Solís: A Method to Establish the Cooling Scheme in Simulated Annealing Like Algorithms. ICCSA (3) 2004: 755-763
2EEHéctor Sanvicente Sánchez, Juan Frausto Solís: MPSA: A Methodology to Parallelize Simulated Annealing and Its Application to the Traveling Salesman Problem. MICAI 2002: 89-97
1 Héctor Sanvicente Sánchez, Juan Frausto Solís: A Methodology to Parallel the Temperature Cycle in Simulated Annealing. MICAI 2000: 63-74

Coauthor Index

1Froilán Imperial-Valenzuela [4] [5]
2Juan Frausto Solís [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Yolanda Solís-Alvarado [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)