
Rafal Rzepka

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12EEPawel Dybala, Michal Ptaszynski, Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki: Humorized Computational Intelligence towards User-Adapted Systems with a Sense of Humor. EvoWorkshops 2009: 452-461
11EERafal Rzepka, Wenhan Shi, Michal Ptaszynski, Pawel Dybala, Shinsuke Higuchi, Kenji Araki: Serious processing for frivolous purpose: a chatbot using web-mining supported affect analysis and pun generation. IUI 2009: 487-488
10EEPawel Dybala, Michal Ptaszynski, Shinsuke Higuchi, Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki: Humor Prevails! - Implementing a Joke Generator into a Conversational System. Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2008: 214-225
9EEShinsuke Higuchi, Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki: A Casual Conversation System Using Modality and Word Associations Retrieved from the Web. EMNLP 2008: 382-390
8EEMichal Ptaszynski, Pawel Dybala, Shinsuke Higuchi, Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki: Affect as Information about Users' Attitudes to Conversational Agents. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2008: 495-500
7EEDai Hasegawa, Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki: Evaluation of Connectives Acquisition in a Humanoid Robot Using Direct Physical Feedback. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2007: 664-668
6EERafal Rzepka, Yali Ge, Kenji Araki: Common Sense from the Web? Naturalness of Everyday Knowledge Retrieved from WWW . JACIII 10(6): 868-875 (2006)
5EERafal Rzepka, Yali Ge, Kenji Araki: Naturalness of an Utterance Based on the Automatically Retrieved Commonsense. IJCAI 2005: 1696-1697
4 Yali Ge, Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki: Automatic Scripts Retrieval and Its Possibilities for Social Sciences Support Applications. Intelligent Information Systems 2005: 51-58
3EEYali Ge, Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki: Support for Internet-Based Commonsense Processing - Causal Knowledge Discovery Using Japanese "If" Forms. KES (2) 2005: 950-956
2EERafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki, Koji Tochinai: Bacterium Lingualis? The Web-Based Commonsensical Knowledge Discovery Method. Discovery Science 2003: 460-467
1 Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki, Koji Tochinai: Emotional Information Retrieval for a Dialogue Agent. Informatica (Slovenia) 27(2): 205-212 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Kenji Araki [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
2Pawel Dybala [8] [10] [11] [12]
3Yali Ge [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Dai Hasegawa [7]
5Shinsuke Higuchi [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Michal Ptaszynski [8] [10] [11] [12]
7Wenhan Shi [11]
8Koji Tochinai [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)