
Keith D. Ryder

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4 Keith D. Ryder: An Experimental Address Space Isolation Technique for SNA Networks. IBM Systems Journal 22(4): 367-386 (1983)
3 Harold R. Albrecht, Keith D. Ryder: The Virtual Telecommunications Access Method: A Systems Network Architecture Perspective. IBM Systems Journal 15(1): 53-80 (1976)
2 Keith D. Ryder: Optimizing Program Placement in Virtual Systems. IBM Systems Journal 13(4): 292-306 (1974)
1 Keith D. Ryder: A Heuristic Approach to Task Dispatching. IBM Systems Journal 9(3): 189-198 (1970)

Coauthor Index

1Harold R. Albrecht [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)