
Mark Ryan

Mark Dermot Ryan

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70 Liqun Chen, Steve Kremer, Mark Dermot Ryan: Formal Protocol Verification Applied, 14.10. - 19.10.2007 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2008
69 Liqun Chen, Mark Dermot Ryan, Guilin Wang: Information and Communications Security, 10th International Conference, ICICS 2008, Birmingham, UK, October 20-22, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
68EEStéphanie Delaune, Steve Kremer, Mark Ryan: Composition of Password-Based Protocols. CSF 2008: 239-251
67EEAnongporn Salaiwarakul, Mark Dermot Ryan: Verification of Integrity and Secrecy Properties of a Biometric Authentication Protocol. ISPEC 2008: 1-13
66EEAndrew Brown, Mark Ryan: Synthesising Monitors from High-Level Policies for the Safe Execution of Untrusted Software. ISPEC 2008: 233-247
65EEAnongporn Salaiwarakul, Mark Ryan: Analysis of a Biometric Authentication Protocol for Signature Creation Application. IWSEC 2008: 231-245
64EEAndrew Brown, Mark Ryan: Monitoring the Execution of Third-Party Software on Mobile Devices. RAID 2008: 410-411
63EETien Tuan Anh Dinh, Mark Ryan: A Sybil-Resilient Reputation Metric for P2P Applications. SAINT 2008: 193-196
62EEAybek Mukhamedov, Mark Dermot Ryan: Fair multi-party contract signing using private contract signatures. Inf. Comput. 206(2-4): 272-290 (2008)
61EENan Zhang, Mark Ryan, Dimitar P. Guelev: Synthesising verified access control systems through model checking. Journal of Computer Security 16(1): 1-61 (2008)
60EEBen Smyth, Mark Ryan, Liqun Chen: Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA): Ensuring Privacy with Corrupt Administrators. ESAS 2007: 218-231
59EEStéphanie Delaune, Steve Kremer, Mark Ryan: Symbolic Bisimulation for the Applied Pi Calculus. FSTTCS 2007: 133-145
58EEAybek Mukhamedov, Mark Ryan: Improved Multi-party Contract Signing. Financial Cryptography 2007: 179-191
57EELiqun Chen, Steve Kremer, Mark Dermot Ryan: 07421 Abstracts Collection -- Formal Protocol Verification Applied. Formal Protocol Verification Applied 2007
56EELiqun Chen, Steve Kremer, Mark Dermot Ryan: 07421 Executive Summary -- Formal Protocol Verification Applied. Formal Protocol Verification Applied 2007
55EEAybek Mukhamedov, Mark Dermot Ryan: Anonymity Protocol with Identity Escrow and Analysis in the Applied n-Calculus. TGC 2007: 330-346
54EEStephan Reiff-Marganiec, Mark Ryan: Guest Editorial. Computer Networks 51(2): 357-358 (2007)
53EENikos Gorogiannis, Mark Ryan: Minimal refinements of specifications in model and termporal logics. Formal Asp. Comput. 19(1): 35-62 (2007)
52EENikos Gorogiannis, Mark Ryan: Minimal refinements of specifications in modal and temporal logics. Formal Asp. Comput. 19(2): 273 (2007)
51EENikos Gorogiannis, Mark Ryan: Minimal refinements of specifications in modal and temporal logics. Formal Asp. Comput. 19(4): 417-444 (2007)
50EEDimitar P. Guelev, Mark Dermot Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Model-checking the preservation of temporal properties upon feature integration. STTT 9(1): 53-62 (2007)
49EEAybek Mukhamedov, Mark Dermot Ryan: Resolve-Impossibility for a Contract-Signing Protocol. CSFW 2006: 167-176
48EEStéphanie Delaune, Steve Kremer, Mark Ryan: Coercion-Resistance and Receipt-Freeness in Electronic Voting. CSFW 2006: 28-42
47EEDimitar P. Guelev, Mark Dermot Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Synthesising Features by Games. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 145: 79-93 (2006)
46 Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, Mark Ryan: Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems VIII, ICFI'05, 28-30 June 2005, Leicester, UK IOS Press 2005
45EESteve Kremer, Mark Ryan: Analysis of an Electronic Voting Protocol in the Applied Pi Calculus. ESOP 2005: 186-200
44EEAybek Mukhamedov, Mark Dermot Ryan: On Anonymity with Identity Escrow. Formal Aspects in Security and Trust 2005: 235-243
43EENan Zhang, Mark Ryan, Dimitar P. Guelev: Evaluating Access Control Policies Through Model Checking. ISC 2005: 446-460
42EEAidan Harding, Mark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: A New Algorithm for Strategy Synthesis in LTL Games. TACAS 2005: 477-492
41EESteve Kremer, Mark Ryan: Analysing the Vulnerability of Protocols to Produce Known-pair and Chosen-text Attacks. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 128(5): 87-104 (2005)
40EEDimitar P. Guelev, Mark Dermot Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Model-checking the Preservation of Temporal Properties upon Feature Integration. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 128(6): 311-324 (2005)
39 Mark Dermot Ryan, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Hans-Dieter Ehrich: Objects, Agents, and Features, International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, February 2003, Revised and Invited Papers Springer 2004
38EENan Zhang, Mark Ryan, Dimitar P. Guelev: Synthesising verified access control systems in XACML. FMSE 2004: 56-65
37EEDimitar P. Guelev, Mark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Model-Checking Access Control Policies. ISC 2004: 219-230
36EEHannah Harris, Mark Ryan: Theoretical Foundations of Updating Systems. ASE 2003: 291-294
35 Dimitar P. Guelev, Mark Dermot Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Feature Integration as Substitution. FIW 2003: 275-294
34EEJohn-Jules Ch. Meyer, Mark Dermot Ryan, Hans-Dieter Ehrich: Objects, Agents, and Features: An Introduction. Objects, Agents, and Features 2003: 1-7
33EEAidan Harding, Mark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Towards Symbolic Strategy Synthesis for \left\langle {\left\langle A \right\rangle } \right\rangle-LTL. TIME 2003: 137-146
32 Hannah Harris, Mark Ryan: Feature Integration as an Operation of Theory Change. ECAI 2002: 546-550
31EEAidan Harding, Mark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Approximating ATL* in ATL. VMCAI 2002: 289-301
30EENikos Gorogiannis, Mark Ryan: Requirements, specifications, and minimal refinement. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 67: (2002)
29EEHajnal Andréka, Mark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Operators and Laws for Combining Preference Relations. J. Log. Comput. 12(1): 13-53 (2002)
28 Nikos Gorogiannis, Mark Ryan: Implementation of Belief Change Operators Using BDDs. Studia Logica 70(1): 131-156 (2002)
27 Franck Cassez, Claude Jard, Brigitte Rozoy, Mark Dermot Ryan: Modeling and Verification of Parallel Processes, 4th Summer School, MOVEP 2000, Nantes, France, June 19-23, 2000 Springer 2001
26EEMark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Agents and Roles: Refinement in Alternating-Time Temporal Logic. ATAL 2001: 100-114
25 Malte Plath, Mark Ryan: Feature integration using a feature construct. Sci. Comput. Program. 41(1): 53-84 (2001)
24 Malte Plath, Mark Dermot Ryan: The feature construct for SMV: Semantics. FIW 2000: 129-144
23EEAlessio Lomuscio, Ron van der Meyden, Mark Ryan: Knowledge in multiagent systems: initial configurations and broadcast. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 1(2): 247-284 (2000)
22 Alessio Lomuscio, Mark Ryan: A Spectrum of Modes of Knowledge Sharing between Agents. ATAL 1999: 13-26
21EEAlessio Lomuscio, Mark Ryan: An algorithmic approach to knowledge evolution. AI EDAM 13(2): 119-132 (1999)
20EEAlessio Lomuscio, Ron van der Meyden, Mark Ryan: Knowledge in Multi-Agent Systems: Initial Configurations and Broadcast CoRR cs.LO/9909019: (1999)
19EEChristel Baier, Michael Huth, Marta Z. Kwiatkowska, Mark Ryan: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 22: (1999)
18 Alessio Lomuscio, Mark Ryan: Ideal Agents Sharing (some!) Knowledge. ECAI 1998: 557-561
17 Malte Plath, Mark Dermot Ryan: Plug-and-play Features. FIW 1998: 150-164
16EEAlessio Lomuscio, Mark Ryan: On the Relation between Interpreted Systems and Kripke Models. Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Formalisms, Methodologies, and Applications 1997: 46-59
15 Christel Baier, Edmund M. Clarke, Vassili Hartonas-Garmhausen, Marta Z. Kwiatkowska, Mark Ryan: Symbolic Model Checking for Probabilistic Processes. ICALP 1997: 430-440
14 Mark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Counterfactuals and Updates as Inverse Modalities. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6(2): 123-146 (1997)
13 Mark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Intertranslating Counterfactuals and Updates. ECAI 1996: 100-104
12 Mark Ryan: Belief Revision and Ordered Theory Presentations. Logic, Action, and Information 1996: 129-151
11 Mark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Odinaldo Rodrigues: Counterfactuals and Updates as Inverse Modalities. TARK 1996: 163-173
10 Riccardo Poli, Mark Ryan, Aaron Sloman: A New Continuous Propositional Logic. EPIA 1995: 17-28
9 Mark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobbens: Belief Revision and Verisimilitude. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36(1): 15-29 (1995)
8EEMark Ryan, Rich Helms: A development process for large multimedia titles. SIGDOC 1994: 126-138
7 Geoffrey L. Burn, Simon J. Gay, Mark Ryan: Theory and Formal Methods 1993, Proceedings of the First Imperial College Department of Computing Workshop on Theory and Formal Methods, Isle of Thorns Conference Centre, Chelwood Gate, Sussex, UK, 29-31 March 1993 Springer 1993
6EEMark Ryan: Writing about C++. CASCON 1993: 1059-1070
5 Mark Ryan: Prioritising Preference Relations. Theory and Formal Methods 1993: 265-275
4 Mark Ryan: Towards Specifying Norms. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 9(1-2): 49-68 (1993)
3 Mark Ryan: Representing Defaults as Sentences with Reduced Priority. KR 1992: 649-660
2 Mark Ryan: Defaults and Revision in Structured Theories LICS 1991: 362-373
1 Mark Ryan, José Luiz Fiadeiro, T. S. E. Maibaum: Sharing Actions and Attributes in Modal Action Logic. TACS 1991: 569-593

Coauthor Index

1Hajnal Andréka [29]
2Christel Baier [15] [19]
3Andrew Brown [64] [66]
4Geoffrey L. Burn [7]
5Franck Cassez [27]
6Liqun Chen [56] [57] [60] [69] [70]
7Edmund M. Clarke [15]
8Stéphanie Delaune [48] [59] [68]
9Tien Tuan Anh Dinh [63]
10Hans-Dieter Ehrich [34] [39]
11José Luiz Fiadeiro [1]
12Simon J. Gay [7]
13Nikos Gorogiannis [28] [30] [51] [52] [53]
14Dimitar P. Guelev [35] [37] [38] [40] [43] [47] [50] [61]
15Aidan Harding [31] [33] [42]
16Hannah Harris [32] [36]
17Vassili Hartonas-Garmhausen [15]
18Rich Helms [8]
19Michael Huth [19]
20Claude Jard [27]
21Steve Kremer [41] [45] [48] [56] [57] [59] [68] [70]
22Marta Z. Kwiatkowska [15] [19]
23Alessio Lomuscio [16] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23]
24T. S. E. Maibaum (Thomas Stephen Edward Maibaum) [1]
25Ron van der Meyden [20] [23]
26John-Jules Ch. Meyer [34] [39]
27Aybek Mukhamedov [44] [49] [55] [58] [62]
28Malte Plath [17] [24] [25]
29Riccardo Poli [10]
30Stephan Reiff-Marganiec [46] [54]
31Odinaldo Rodrigues [11]
32Brigitte Rozoy [27]
33Anongporn Salaiwarakul [65] [67]
34Pierre-Yves Schobbens [9] [11] [13] [14] [26] [29] [31] [33] [35] [37] [40] [42] [47] [50]
35Aaron Sloman [10]
36Ben Smyth [60]
37Guilin Wang [69]
38Nan Zhang [38] [43] [61]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)