
Theo C. Ruys

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14EENiels H. M. Aan de Brugh, Viet Yen Nguyen, Theo C. Ruys: MoonWalker: Verification of .NET Programs. TACAS 2009: 170-173
13EEViet Yen Nguyen, Theo C. Ruys: Memoised Garbage Collection for Software Model Checking. TACAS 2009: 201-214
12EEViet Yen Nguyen, Theo C. Ruys: Incremental Hashing for Spin. SPIN 2008: 232-249
11EETheo C. Ruys, Niels H. M. Aan de Brugh: MMC: the Mono Model Checker. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 190(1): 149-160 (2007)
10EEGerard J. Holzmann, Theo C. Ruys: Effective Bug Hunting with Spin and Modex. SPIN 2005: 24-24
9EETheo C. Ruys, Gerard J. Holzmann: Advanced SPIN Tutorial. SPIN 2004: 304-305
8EETheo C. Ruys: Optimal Scheduling Using Branch and Bound with SPIN 4.0. SPIN 2003: 1-17
7EETheo C. Ruys, Ed Brinksma: Managing the verification trajectory. STTT 4(2): 246-259 (2003)
6EETheo C. Ruys: SPIN Tutorial: How to Become a SPIN Doctor. SPIN 2002: 6-13
5EETheo C. Ruys, Rom Langerak, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Diego Latella, Mieke Massink: First Passage Time Analysis of Stochastic Process Algebra Using Partial Orders. TACAS 2001: 220-235
4 Theo C. Ruys: Low-Fat Recipes for SPIN. SPIN 2000: 287-321
3EETheo C. Ruys: Xspin/Project - Integrated Validation Management for Xspin. SPIN 1999: 108-119
2EETheo C. Ruys, Ed Brinksma: Experience with Literate Programming in the Modelling and Validation of Systems. TACAS 1998: 393-408
1 Pedro R. D'Argenio, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Theo C. Ruys, Jan Tretmans: The Bounded Retransmission Protocol Must Be on Time! TACAS 1997: 416-431

Coauthor Index

1Ed Brinksma [2] [7]
2Niels H. M. Aan de Brugh [11] [14]
3Pedro R. D'Argenio [1]
4Gerard J. Holzmann [9] [10]
5Joost-Pieter Katoen [1] [5]
6Rom Langerak [5]
7Diego Latella [5]
8Mieke Massink [5]
9Viet Yen Nguyen [12] [13] [14]
10Jan Tretmans [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)