
Kim Rutherford

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5EETim J. Carver, Kim Rutherford, Matthew Berriman, Marie-Adèle Rajandream, Bart Barrell, Julian Parkhill: ACT: the Artemis comparison tool. Bioinformatics 21(16): 3422-3423 (2005)
4EEJ. C. Abbott, David M. Aanensen, Kim Rutherford, S. Butcher, Brian G. Spratt: WebACT - an online companion for the Artemis Comparison Tool. Bioinformatics 21(18): 3665-3666 (2005)
3 Christiane Hertz-Fowler, Chris S. Peacock, Valerie Wood, Martin Aslett, Arnaud Kerhornou, Paul Mooney, Adrian Tivey, Matthew Berriman, Neil Hall, Kim Rutherford, Julian Parkhill, Alasdair C. Ivens, Marie-Adèle Rajandream, Bart Barrell: GeneDB: a resource for prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 339-343 (2004)
2 Matthew Berriman, Kim Rutherford: Viewing and Annotating Sequence Data with Artemis. Briefings in Bioinformatics 4(2): 124 (2003)
1 Kim Rutherford, Julian Parkhill, James Crook, Terry Horsnell, Peter Rice, Marie-Adèle Rajandream, Bart Barrell: Artemis: sequence visualization and annotation. Bioinformatics 16(10): 944-945 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1David M. Aanensen [4]
2J. C. Abbott [4]
3Martin Aslett [3]
4Bart Barrell [1] [3] [5]
5Matthew Berriman [2] [3] [5]
6S. Butcher [4]
7Tim J. Carver [5]
8James Crook [1]
9Neil Hall [3]
10Christiane Hertz-Fowler [3]
11Terry Horsnell [1]
12Alasdair C. Ivens [3]
13Arnaud Kerhornou [3]
14Paul Mooney [3]
15Julian Parkhill [1] [3] [5]
16Chris S. Peacock [3]
17Marie-Adèle Rajandream [1] [3] [5]
18Peter Rice [1]
19Brian G. Spratt [4]
20Adrian Tivey [3]
21Valerie Wood [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)