
James Russell

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4EEJames Russell: Controlling core knowledge: conditions for the ascription of intentional states to self and others by children. Synthese 159(2): 167-196 (2007)
3EEJames Russell: Interview: Sam Leffler. ACM Queue 2(3): 16-22 (2004)
2 Jeffrey Bonar, Nancy Lehrer, Kelly Looney, Stewart Nickolas, James Russell, Randy Schnier, Ted Selker: Components on the Internet (Panel Session). OOPSLA 1996: 444-448
1 James Abello, Anne Houang, James Russell: A Hierarchy of Pattern Recognition Algorithms for the Diagnosis of Sucker Rod Pumped Wells. ICCI 1993: 359-364

Coauthor Index

1James Abello [1]
2Jeffrey Bonar [2]
3Anne Houang [1]
4Nancy Lehrer [2]
5Kelly Looney [2]
6Stewart Nickolas [2]
7Randy Schnier [2]
8Ted Selker [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)