
Boriana Rukanova

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5EEHelle Zinner Henriksen, Boriana Rukanova, Yao-Hua Tan: Pacta Sunt Servanda but Where Is the Agreement? The Complicated Case of eCustoms. EGOV 2008: 13-24
4EEZiv Baida, Boriana Rukanova, Jianwei Liu, Yao-Hua Tan: Preserving Control in Trade Procedure Redesign - The Beer Living Lab. Electronic Markets 18(1): 53-64 (2008)
3 Boriana Rukanova, Mehmet N. Aydin, Kees van Slooten, Robert A. Stegwee: Towards a Meta Model for Business Process Concepts. ICEIS (3) 2005: 373-377
2 Boriana Rukanova, Kees van Slooten, Robert A. Stegwee: Towards a Meta Model for Describing Communication: How to Address Interoperability on a Pragmatic Level. ICEIS (3) 2004: 375-382
1EEBoriana Rukanova, Kees van Slooten, Robert A. Stegwee: Towards a Meta Model for Distributed Business Transactions. CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2003

Coauthor Index

1Mehmet N. Aydin [3]
2Ziv Baida [4]
3Helle Zinner Henriksen [5]
4Jianwei Liu [4]
5Kees van Slooten [1] [2] [3]
6Robert A. Stegwee [1] [2] [3]
7Yao-Hua Tan [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)