
Salvador Ruiz-Correa

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9EELinda G. Shapiro, Indriyati Atmosukarto, Hansang Cho, H. Jill Lin, Salvador Ruiz-Correa, Jenny Yuen: Similarity-Based Retrieval for Biomedical Applications. Case-Based Reasoning on Images and Signals 2008: 355-387
8EENatalia Larios, Hongli Deng, Wei Zhang, Matt Sarpola, Jenny Yuen, Robert Paasch, Andrew Moldenke, David A. Lytle, Salvador Ruiz-Correa, Eric N. Mortensen, Linda G. Shapiro, Thomas G. Dietterich: Automated insect identification through concatenated histograms of local appearance features: feature vector generation and region detection for deformable objects. Mach. Vis. Appl. 19(2): 105-123 (2008)
7EESalvador Ruiz-Correa, Linda G. Shapiro, Marina Meila, Gabriel Berson, Michael L. Cunningham, Raymond W. Sze: Symbolic Signatures for Deformable Shapes. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(1): 75-90 (2006)
6EESalvador Ruiz-Correa, Raymond W. Sze, H. Jill Lin, Linda G. Shapiro, Matthew L. Speltz, Michael L. Cunningham: Classifying Craniosynostosis Deformations by Skull Shape Imaging. CBMS 2005: 335-340
5EEH. Jill Lin, Salvador Ruiz-Correa, Raymond W. Sze, Michael L. Cunningham, Matthew L. Speltz, Anne V. Hing, Linda G. Shapiro: Efficient Symbolic Signatures for Classifying Craniosynostosis Skull Deformities. CVBIA 2005: 302-313
4EESalvador Ruiz-Correa, Linda G. Shapiro, Marina Meila: A New Paradigm for Recognizing 3-D Object Shapes from Range Data. ICCV 2003: 1126-1133
3EESalvador Ruiz-Correa, Linda G. Shapiro, Marina Meila, Gabriel Berson: Discriminating Deformable Shape Classes. NIPS 2003
2EESalvador Ruiz-Correa, Linda G. Shapiro, Marina Meila: A New Signature-Based Method for Efficient 3-D Object Recognition. CVPR (1) 2001: 769-776
1EEDaniel Gatica-Perez, Chuang Gu, Ming-Ting Sun, Salvador Ruiz-Correa: Extensive partition operators, gray-level connected operators, and region merging/classification segmentation algorithms: theoretical links. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(9): 1332-1345 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Indriyati Atmosukarto [9]
2Gabriel Berson [3] [7]
3Hansang Cho [9]
4Michael L. Cunningham [5] [6] [7]
5Hongli Deng [8]
6Thomas G. Dietterich [8]
7Daniel Gatica-Perez [1]
8Chuang Gu [1]
9Anne V. Hing [5]
10Natalia Larios [8]
11H. Jill Lin [5] [6] [9]
12David A. Lytle [8]
13Marina Meila [2] [3] [4] [7]
14Andrew Moldenke [8]
15Eric N. Mortensen [8]
16Robert Paasch [8]
17Matt Sarpola [8]
18Linda G. Shapiro [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
19Matthew L. Speltz [5] [6]
20Ming-Ting Sun [1]
21Raymond W. Sze [5] [6] [7]
22Jenny Yuen [8] [9]
23Wei Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)