
Stan Ruecker

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5EEClaire Warwick, Ray Siemens, Stan Ruecker: Codex Redux: books and new knowledge environments. BooksOnline 2008: 29-32
4EEStan Ruecker, Milena Radzikowska: The iterative design of a project charter for interdisciplinary research. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2008: 288-294
3EEAmy Stafford, Ali Shiri, Stan Ruecker, Matthew Bouchard, Paras Mehta, Karl Anvik, Ximena Rossello: Searchling: User-Centered Evaluation of a Visual Thesaurus-Enhanced Interface for Bilingual Digital Libraries. ECDL 2008: 117-121
2EELisa M. Given, Stan Ruecker, Heather Simpson, Elizabeth (Bess) Sadler, Andrea Ruskin: Inclusive interface design for seniors: Image-browsing for a health information context. JASIST 58(11): 1610-1617 (2007)
1EEStan Ruecker: Conceptual Levels of SGML Tags: A Proposed Taxonomy based on the Tagging in the Orlando Project. WISE (2) 2000: 2-10

Coauthor Index

1Karl Anvik [3]
2Matthew Bouchard [3]
3Lisa M. Given [2]
4Paras Mehta [3]
5Milena Radzikowska [4]
6Ximena Rossello [3]
7Andrea Ruskin [2]
8Elizabeth (Bess) Sadler [2]
9Ali Shiri [3]
10Ray Siemens [5]
11Heather Simpson [2]
12Amy Stafford [3]
13Claire Warwick [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)