
Michelle Rudolph

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7EERomain Brette, Michelle Rudolph, Ted Carnevale, Michael Hines, David Beeman, James M. Bower, Markus Diesmann, Abigail Morrison, Philip H. Goodman, Frederick C. Harris, Milind Zirpe, Thomas Natschläger, Dejan Pecevski, Bard Ermentrout, Mikael Djurfeldt, Anders Lansner, Olivier Rochel, Thierry Viéville, Eilif Mueller, Andrew P. Davison, Sami El Boustani, Alain Destexhe: Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: A review of tools and strategies. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 23(3): 349-398 (2007)
6EERomain Brette, Zuzanna Piwkowska, Michelle Rudolph, Thierry Bal, Alain Destexhe: A non-parametric electrode model for intracellular recording. Neurocomputing 70(10-12): 1597-1601 (2007)
5EEMartin Pospischil, Zuzanna Piwkowska, Michelle Rudolph, Thierry Bal, Alain Destexhe: Inhibitory conductance dynamics in cortical neurons during activated states. Neurocomputing 70(10-12): 1602-1604 (2007)
4EEMichelle Rudolph, Alain Destexhe: How much can we trust neural simulation strategies? Neurocomputing 70(10-12): 1966-1969 (2007)
3EEMichelle Rudolph, Alain Destexhe: On the Use of Analytical Expressions for the Voltage Distribution to Analyze Intracellular Recordings. Neural Computation 18(12): 2917-2922 (2006)
2EEMichelle Rudolph, Alain Destexhe: Analytical Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Models with Conductance-Based Dynamics for Event-Driven Simulation Strategies. Neural Computation 18(9): 2146-2210 (2006)
1EEMichelle Rudolph, Alain Destexhe: Event-based simulation strategy for conductance-based synaptic interactions and plasticity. Neurocomputing 69(10-12): 1130-1133 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Thierry Bal [5] [6]
2David Beeman [7]
3Sami El Boustani [7]
4James M. Bower [7]
5Romain Brette [6] [7]
6Ted Carnevale [7]
7Andrew P. Davison [7]
8Alain Destexhe [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Markus Diesmann [7]
10Mikael Djurfeldt [7]
11Bard Ermentrout [7]
12Philip H. Goodman [7]
13Frederick C. Harris [7]
14Michael Hines [7]
15Anders Lansner [7]
16Abigail Morrison [7]
17Eilif Mueller [7]
18Thomas Natschläger [7]
19Dejan Pecevski [7]
20Zuzanna Piwkowska [5] [6]
21Martin Pospischil [5]
22Olivier Rochel [7]
23Thierry Viéville [7]
24Milind Zirpe [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)