
Cecília M. F. Rubira

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30EEPatrick H. S. Brito, Rogério de Lemos, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Development of Fault-Tolerant Software Systems Based on Architectural Abstractions. ECSA 2008: 131-147
29EEPatrick Henrique da S. Brito, Rogério de Lemos, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Verification of Exception Control Flows and Handlers Based on Architectural Scenarios. HASE 2008: 177-186
28EEIvo Augusto Bertoncello, Marcelo Oliveira Dias, Patrick H. S. Brito, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Explicit exception handling variability in component-based product line architectures. Workshop on Exception Handling 2008: 47-54
27 Cecília M. F. Rubira, Rogério de Lemos: Software Components, Architectures and Reuse. J. UCS 14(8): 1179- (2008)
26EEFernando Castor Filho, Alessandro Garcia, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Extracting Error Handling to Aspects: A Cookbook. ICSM 2007: 134-143
25EEPatrick Henrique da S. Brito, Rogério de Lemos, Eliane Martins, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Architecture-Centric Fault Tolerance with Exception Handling. LADC 2007: 75-94
24EEFernando Castor Filho, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Raquel de A. Maranhão Ferreira, Alessandro Garcia: Aspectizing Exception Handling: A Quantitative Study. Advanced Topics in Exception Handling Techniques 2006: 255-274
23EEFernando Castor Filho, Patrick Henrique da S. Brito, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Reasoning About Exception Flow at the Architectural Level. RODIN Book 2006: 80-99
22EEFernando Castor Filho, Alexander Romanovsky, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Verification of coordinated exception handling. SAC 2006: 680-685
21EEFernando Castor Filho, Nélio Cacho, Eduardo Figueiredo, Raquel Maranhão, Alessandro Garcia, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Exceptions and aspects: the devil is in the details. SIGSOFT FSE 2006: 152-162
20EERogério de Lemos, Paulo Asterio de Castro Guerra, Cecília M. F. Rubira: A Fault-Tolerant Architectural Approach for Dependable Systems. IEEE Software 23(2): 80-87 (2006)
19EEFernando Castor Filho, Patrick Henrique da S. Brito, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Specification of exception flow in software architectures. Journal of Systems and Software 79(10): 1397-1418 (2006)
18EEPatrick Henrique da S. Brito, Camila Ribeiro Rocha, Fernando Castor Filho, Eliane Martins, Cecília M. F. Rubira: A Method for Modeling and Testing Exceptions in Component-Based Software Development. LADC 2005: 61-79
17EEFernando Castor Filho, Patrick H. S. Brito, Cecília M. F. Rubira: A framework for analyzing exception flow in software architectures. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-7 (2005)
16EECecília M. F. Rubira, Rogério de Lemos, Gisele Rodrigues Mesquita Ferreira, Fernando Castor Filho: Exception handling in the development of dependable component-based systems. Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(3): 195-236 (2005)
15EEPaulo Asterio de Castro Guerra, Fernando Castor Filho, Vinicius Asta Pagano, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Structuring Exception Handling for Dependable Component-Based Software Systems. EUROMICRO 2004: 575-582
14EEFernando Castor Filho, Cecília M. F. Rubira: Implementing Coordinated Error Recovery for Distributed Object-Oriented Systems with AspectJ. J. UCS 10(7): 843-858 (2004)
13EEMoacir C. da Silva Jr., Paulo Asterio de Castro Guerra, Cecília M. F. Rubira: A Java Component Model for Evolving Software Systems. ASE 2003: 327-330
12EEPaulo Asterio de Castro Guerra, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Rogério de Lemos: A fault-tolerant software architecture for COTS-based software systems. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2003: 375-378
11EEFernando Castor Filho, Paulo Asterio de Castro Guerra, Cecília M. F. Rubira: An Architectural-Level Exception-Handling System for Component-Based Applications. LADC 2003: 321-340
10EEPaulo Asterio de Castro Guerra, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Rogério de Lemos: A Dependable Architecture for COTS-Based Software Systems Using Protective Wrappers. WADS 2003: 144-166
9EEEliane Martins, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Nelson G. M. Leme: Jaca: A Reflective Fault Injection Tool Based on Patterns. DSN 2002: 483-482
8EEPaulo Asterio de Castro Guerra, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Rogério de Lemos: A Fault-Tolerant Software Architecture for Component-Based Systems. WADS 2002: 129-149
7 Gisele Rodrigues Mesquita Ferreira, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Rogério de Lemos: Explicit Representation of Exception Handling in the Development of Dependable Component-Based Systems. HASE 2001: 182-193
6EEDelano M. Beder, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Brian Randell, Alexander B. Romanovsky: On Applying Coordinated Atomic Actions and Dependable Software Architectures for Developing Complex Systems. ISORC 2001: 103-112
5EEAlessandro F. Garcia, Delano M. Beder, Cecília M. F. Rubira: A Unified Meta-Level Software Architecture for Sequential and Concurrent Exception Handling. Comput. J. 44(6): 569-587 (2001)
4EEAlessandro F. Garcia, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Jie Xu: A comparative study of exception handling mechanisms for building dependable object-oriented software. Journal of Systems and Software 59(2): 197-222 (2001)
3EEAlessandro F. Garcia, Cecília M. F. Rubira: An Architectural-Based Reflective Approach to Incorporating Exception Handling into Dependable Software. Advances in Exception Handling Techniques 2000: 189-206
2 Luiz Eduardo Buzato, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Maria Lúcia Blanck Lisbôa: A Reflective Object-Oriented Architecture for Developing Fault-Tolerant Software. J. Braz. Comp. Soc. 4(2): (1997)
1 Jie Xu, Brian Randell, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Cecília M. F. Rubira, Robert J. Stroud, Zhixue Wu: Fault Tolerance in Concurrent Object-Oriented Software Through Coordinated Error Recovery. FTCS 1995: 499-508

Coauthor Index

1Delano M. Beder [5] [6]
2Ivo Augusto Bertoncello [28]
3Patrick H. S. Brito [17] [28] [30]
4Patrick Henrique da S. Brito [18] [19] [23] [25] [29]
5Luiz Eduardo Buzato [2]
6Nélio Cacho [21]
7Marcelo Oliveira Dias [28]
8Gisele Rodrigues Mesquita Ferreira [7] [16]
9Raquel de A. Maranhão Ferreira [24]
10Eduardo Figueiredo [21]
11Fernando Castor Filho [11] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26]
12Alessandro F. Garcia (Alessandro Garcia) [3] [4] [5] [21] [24] [26]
13Paulo Asterio de Castro Guerra [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [20]
14Nelson G. M. Leme [9]
15Rogério de Lemos [7] [8] [10] [12] [16] [20] [25] [27] [29] [30]
16Maria Lúcia Blanck Lisbôa [2]
17Raquel Maranhão [21]
18Eliane Martins [9] [18] [25]
19Vinicius Asta Pagano [15]
20Brian Randell [1] [6]
21Camila Ribeiro Rocha [18]
22Alexander Romanovsky (Alexander B. Romanovsky) [1] [4] [6] [10] [12] [22]
23Moacir C. da Silva Jr. [13]
24Robert J. Stroud [1]
25Zhixue Wu [1]
26Jie Xu [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)