
Jessica Rubart

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20EEJessica Rubart: Hypermedia design patterns. Hypertext 2008: 243-244
19EEJessica Rubart: Architecting structure-aware applications. Hypertext 2007: 185-188
18 Uffe Kock Wiil, Peter J. Nürnberg, Jessica Rubart: HYPERTEXT 2006, Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, August 22-25, 2006, Odense, Denmark ACM 2006
17EEWeigang Wang, Jessica Rubart: A cognitive and social framework for shared understanding in cooperative hypermedia authoring. Hypertext 2006: 53-56
16EEJessica Rubart, Weigang Wang: Supporting joint modeling by end users. Hypertext 2005: 270-272
15EEJessica Rubart: Context-based access control. Metainformatics 2005: 145-156
14EEJessica Rubart, Helge Richter: Flexible Notifications and Task Models for Cooperative Work Management. Metainformatics 2004: 32-41
13 Weigang Wang, Jörg M. Haake, Jessica Rubart: Supporting virtual meetings in the overall business context. IJCAT 19(3-4): 195-208 (2004)
12 Jessica Rubart, Peter Dawabi: Shared data modeling with UML-G. IJCAT 19(3-4): 231-243 (2004)
11EEJessica Rubart, Thorsten Hampel: Structuring Cooperative Spaces: From Static Templates to Self-Organization. Metainformatics 2003: 119-125
10EEWeigang Wang, Frank M. Lillehagen, Dag Karlsen, Svein G. Johnsen, John Krogstie, Jessica Rubart, Jörg M. Haake: The EXTERNAL Experience on System and Enterprise Integration. Metainformatics 2003: 158-174
9EEJessica Rubart, Weigang Wang, Jörg M. Haake: Supporting Cooperative Activities with Shared Hypermedia Workspaces on the WWW. WWW (Alternate Paper Tracks) 2003
8EEWeigang Wang, Jörg M. Haake, Jessica Rubart: A Cooperative Visual Hypermedia Approach to Planning and Conducting Virtual Meetings. CRIWG 2002: 70-92
7EEJessica Rubart, Peter Dawabi: Towards UML-G : A UML Profile for Modeling Groupware. CRIWG 2002: 93-113
6EEJessica Rubart, Weigang Wang, Jörg M. Haake: A Meta-modeling Environment for Cooperative Knowledge Management. Metainformatics 2002: 18-28
5EEWeigang Wang, Jörg M. Haake, Jessica Rubart: The Cooperative Hypermedia Approach to Collaborative Engineering and Operation of Virtual Enterprises. CRIWG 2001: 58-67
4EEJessica Rubart, Jörg M. Haake, Daniel A. Tietze, Weigang Wang: Organizing shared enterprise workspaces using component-based cooperative hypermedia. Hypertext 2001: 73-82
3EEWeigang Wang, Jörg M. Haake, Jessica Rubart, Daniel A. Tietze: Supporting Cooperative Learning of Process Knowledge on the World Wide Web. EUROMICRO 2000: 2020-2027
2EEMarita Dücker, Wolfgang Müller, Jessica Rubart: Innovative Concepts for Configuring Shared Workspaces through Visual Programming. HICSS 1999
1 Marita Dücker, Wolfgang Müller, Jessica Rubart: VIPspace - A Visual Programmable Shared Workspace. VL 1998: 94-95

Coauthor Index

1Peter Dawabi [7] [12]
2Marita Dücker [1] [2]
3Jörg M. Haake [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [13]
4Thorsten Hampel [11]
5Svein G. Johnsen [10]
6Dag Karlsen [10]
7John Krogstie [10]
8Frank M. Lillehagen [10]
9Wolfgang Müller [1] [2]
10Peter J. Nürnberg [18]
11Helge Richter [14]
12Daniel A. Tietze [3] [4]
13Weigang Wang [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [13] [16] [17]
14Uffe Kock Wiil [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)