
Patrice Roy

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3EEBruno Bouchard, Patrice Roy, Abdenour Bouzouane, Sylvain Giroux, A. Mihailidis: An Activity Recognition Model for Alzheimer's Patients: Extension of the COACH Task Guidance System. ECAI 2008: 811-812
2EEPatrice Roy, Bessam Abdulrazak, Yacine Belala: Approaching context-awareness for open intelligent space. MoMM 2008: 422-426
1EEPatrice Roy, Bruno Bouchard, Abdenour Bouzouane, Sylvain Giroux: A Hybrid Plan Recognition Model for Alzheimer's Patients: Interleaved-Erroneous Dilemma. IAT 2007: 131-137

Coauthor Index

1Bessam Abdulrazak [2]
2Yacine Belala [2]
3Bruno Bouchard [1] [3]
4Abdenour Bouzouane [1] [3]
5Sylvain Giroux [1] [3]
6A. Mihailidis [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)