
Glenn Rowe

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6 Chris Reed, Simon Wells, Joseph Devereux, Glenn Rowe: AIF+: Dialogue in the Argument Interchange Format. COMMA 2008: 311-323
5 Glenn Rowe, Chris Reed: Diagramming the Argument Interchange Format. COMMA 2008: 348-359
4EEGlenn Rowe, Chris Reed: Translating Wigmore Diagrams. COMMA 2006: 171-182
3EEIain Milne, Glenn Rowe: Interpreting computer code in a computer-based learning system for novice programmers. Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(15): 1477-1493 (2005)
2EEIain Milne, Frank Wright, Glenn Rowe, David F. Marshall, Dirk Husmeier, Gráinne McGuire: TOPALi: software for automatic identification of recombinant sequences within DNA multiple alignments. Bioinformatics 20(11): 1806-1807 (2004)
1EEChris Reed, Glenn Rowe: Araucaria: Software for Argument Analysis, Diagramming and Representation. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 13(4): 983- (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Joseph Devereux [6]
2Dirk Husmeier [2]
3David F. Marshall [2]
4Gráinne McGuire [2]
5Iain Milne [2] [3]
6Chris Reed [1] [4] [5] [6]
7Simon Wells [6]
8Frank Wright [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)