2008 |
23 | EE | Mikaël Rousson,
Nikos Paragios:
Prior Knowledge, Level Set Representations & Visual Grouping.
International Journal of Computer Vision 76(3): 231-243 (2008) |
2007 |
22 | EE | Samuel Hugueny,
Mikaël Rousson:
Hierarchical Detection of Multiple Organs Using Boosted Features.
CAIP 2007: 317-325 |
21 | EE | Kinda Anna Saddi,
Christophe Chefd'Hotel,
Mikaël Rousson,
Farida Cheriet:
Region-Based Segmentation via Non-Rigid Template Matching.
ICCV 2007: 1-7 |
20 | EE | Jungha An,
Mikaël Rousson,
Chenyang Xu:
Gamma -Convergence Approximation to Piecewise Smooth Medical Image Segmentation.
MICCAI (2) 2007: 495-502 |
19 | EE | Jérome Piovano,
Mikaël Rousson,
Théodore Papadopoulo:
Efficient Segmentation of Piecewise Smooth Images.
SSVM 2007: 709-720 |
18 | EE | Daniel Cremers,
Mikaël Rousson,
Rachid Deriche:
A Review of Statistical Approaches to Level Set Segmentation: Integrating Color, Texture, Motion and Shape.
International Journal of Computer Vision 72(2): 195-215 (2007) |
2006 |
17 | EE | Christophe Lenglet,
Mikaël Rousson,
Rachid Deriche:
A statistical framework for DTI segmentation.
ISBI 2006: 794-797 |
16 | EE | Timo Kohlberger,
Daniel Cremers,
Mikaël Rousson,
Ramamani Ramaraj,
Gareth Funka-Lea:
4D Shape Priors for a Level Set Segmentation of the Left Myocardium in SPECT Sequences.
MICCAI (1) 2006: 92-100 |
15 | EE | Mikaël Rousson,
Chenyang Xu:
A General Framework for Image Segmentation Using Ordered Spatial Dependency.
MICCAI (2) 2006: 848-855 |
14 | EE | Christophe Lenglet,
Mikaël Rousson,
Rachid Deriche:
DTI segmentation by statistical surface evolution.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 25(6): 685-700 (2006) |
2005 |
13 | EE | Mikaël Rousson,
Ali Khamene,
Mamadou Diallo,
Juan Carlos Celi,
Frank Sauer:
Constrained Surface Evolutions for Prostate and Bladder Segmentation in CT Images.
CVBIA 2005: 251-260 |
12 | EE | Christophe Lenglet,
Mikaël Rousson,
Rachid Deriche,
Olivier D. Faugeras,
Stéphane Lehericy,
Kamil Ugurbil:
A Riemannian Approach to Diffusion Tensor Images Segmentation.
IPMI 2005: 591-602 |
11 | EE | Mikaël Rousson,
Daniel Cremers:
Efficient Kernel Density Estimation of Shape and Intensity Priors for Level Set Segmentation.
MICCAI (2) 2005: 757-764 |
10 | EE | Rodrigo de Luis García,
Rachid Deriche,
Mikaël Rousson,
Carlos Alberola-López:
Tensor Processing for Texture and Colour Segmentation.
SCIA 2005: 1117-1127 |
2004 |
9 | EE | Mikaël Rousson,
Christophe Lenglet,
Rachid Deriche:
Level Set and Region Based Surface Propagation for Diffusion Tensor MRI Segmentation.
ECCV Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA 2004: 123-134 |
8 | EE | Christophe Lenglet,
Mikaël Rousson,
Rachid Deriche:
Segmentation of 3D Probability Density Fields by Surface Evolution: Application to Diffusion MRI.
MICCAI (1) 2004: 18-25 |
7 | EE | Mikaël Rousson,
Nikos Paragios,
Rachid Deriche:
Implicit Active Shape Models for 3D Segmentation in MR Imaging.
MICCAI (1) 2004: 209-216 |
2003 |
6 | EE | Thomas Brox,
Mikaël Rousson,
Rachid Deriche,
Joachim Weickert:
Unsupervised Segmentation Incorporating Colour, Texture, and Motion.
CAIP 2003: 353-360 |
5 | EE | Mikaël Rousson,
Thomas Brox,
Rachid Deriche:
Active Unsupervised Texture Segmentation on a Diffusion Based Feature Space.
CVPR (2) 2003: 699-706 |
4 | EE | Nikos Paragios,
Mikaël Rousson,
Visvanathan Ramesh:
Non-rigid registration using distance functions.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 89(2-3): 142-165 (2003) |
2002 |
3 | EE | Nikos Paragios,
Mikaël Rousson,
Visvanathan Ramesh:
Matching Distance Functions: A Shape-to-Area Variational Approach for Global-to-Local Registration.
ECCV (2) 2002: 775-789 |
2 | EE | Mikaël Rousson,
Nikos Paragios:
Shape Priors for Level Set Representations.
ECCV (2) 2002: 78-92 |
1 | EE | Nikos Paragios,
Mikaël Rousson,
Visvanathan Ramesh:
Knowledge-based Registration & Segmentation of the Left Ventricle: A Level Set Approach.
WACV 2002: 37-42 |