
Florian Roussel

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11EEIgor Parfenoff, Florian Roussel, Irena Rusu: Loose vertices in C4-free Berge graphs. Discrete Mathematics 258(1-3): 137-160 (2002)
10EEFlorian Roussel, Irena Rusu: An O(n2) algorithm to color Meyniel graphs. Discrete Mathematics 235(1-3): 107-123 (2001)
9EEJean-Luc Fouquet, Florian Roussel, P. Rubio, Henri Thuillier: New classes of perfectly orderable graphs. Discrete Mathematics 236(1-3): 95-109 (2001)
8EEFlorian Roussel, P. Rubio: About Skew Partitions in Minimal Imperfect Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 83(2): 171-190 (2001)
7EEFlorian Roussel, Irena Rusu: Recognizing i-triangulated graphs in O(mn) time. Inf. Process. Lett. 76(3): 141-147 (2000)
6EEIgor Parfenoff, Florian Roussel, Irena Rusu: Triangulated Neighbourhoods in C4-Free Berge Graphs. WG 1999: 402-412
5EEFlorian Roussel, Irena Rusu: A Linear Algorithm to Color i-Triangulated Graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 70(2): 57-62 (1999)
4 Florian Roussel, Irena Rusu, Henri Thuillier: On Graphs with Limited Number of P4-Partners. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 10(1): 103- (1999)
3 Florian Roussel, Irena Rusu: Holes and Dominoes in Meyniel Graphs. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 10(2): 127-146 (1999)
2EEVassilis Giakoumakis, Florian Roussel, Henri Thuillier: Scattering number and modular decomposition. Discrete Mathematics 165-166: 321-342 (1997)
1EEVassilis Giakoumakis, Florian Roussel, Henri Thuillier: On P4-tidy graphs. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 1(1): 17-41 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Luc Fouquet [9]
2Vassilis Giakoumakis [1] [2]
3Igor Parfenoff [6] [11]
4P. Rubio [8] [9]
5Irena Rusu [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11]
6Henri Thuillier [1] [2] [4] [9]

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