
Franck Rousseau

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23EEPaul Starzetz, Martin Heusse, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: Hashing Backoff: A Collision-Free Wireless Access Method. Networking 2009: 429-441
22EEEryk Schiller, Paul Starzetz, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: Binary waypoint geographical routing in wireless mesh networks. MSWiM 2008: 252-259
21EEPaul Starzetz, Martin Heusse, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: Virtual Flow Queueing for Improving TCP Performance over IEEE 802.11 WLANs. WCNC 2008: 2158-2163
20EEYan Grunenberger, Martin Heusse, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: Experience with an implementation of the Idle Sense wireless access method. CoNEXT 2007: 24
19EECatalin Drula, Cristiana Amza, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: Adaptive energy conserving algorithms for neighbor discovery in opportunistic Bluetooth networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(1): 96-107 (2007)
18EEElena Lopez-Aguilera, Martin Heusse, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda, Jordi Casademont: Performance of Wireless LAN Access Methods in Multicell Environments. GLOBECOM 2006
17EEJustinian Oprescu, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: Automatic Configuration with Conflets. EUC 2005: 438-447
16EEMartin Heusse, Franck Rousseau, Romaric Guillier, Andrzej Duda: Idle sense: an optimal access method for high throughput and fairness in rate diverse wireless LANs. SIGCOMM 2005: 121-132
15 Vincent Roca, Franck Rousseau: Interactive Multimedia and Next Generation Networks: Second International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems, MIPS 2004, Grenoble, France, November 16-19, 2004. Proceedings Springer 2004
14EEGilles Berger-Sabbatel, Andrzej Duda, Martin Heusse, Franck Rousseau: Short-Term Fairness of 802.11 Networks with Several Hosts. MWCN 2004: 263-274
13EEVincent Untz, Martin Heusse, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: Lilith: An Interconnection Architecture Based on Label Switching for Spontaneous Edge Networks. MobiQuitous 2004: 146-151
12EEFranck Rousseau, Justinian Oprescu, Laurentiu-Sorin Paun, Andrzej Duda: Omnisphere: a Personal Communication Environment. HICSS 2003: 295
11EEGilles Berger-Sabbatel, Franck Rousseau, Martin Heusse, Andrzej Duda: Performance anomaly of 802.11b. INFOCOM 2003
10EEJustinian Oprescu, Franck Rousseau, Laurentiu-Sorin Paun, Andrzej Duda: Push Driven Service Composition in Personal Communication Environments. PWC 2003: 505-510
9EEMartin Heusse, Paul Starzetz, Franck Rousseau, Gilles Berger-Sabbatel, Andrzej Duda: Scheduling Time-Sensitive Traffic on 802.11 Wireless LANs. QofIS 2003: 162-171
8 J. Antonio García-Macías, Franck Rousseau, Gilles Berger-Sabbatel, Leyla Toumi, Andrzej Duda: Quality of Service and Mobility for the Wireless Internet. Wireless Networks 9(4): 341-352 (2003)
7 J. Antonio García-Macías, Franck Rousseau, Gilles Berger-Sabbatel, Leyla Toumi, Andrzej Duda: Mobility Management for Providing QoS in Local Area Wireless Networks. DAIS 2001: 141-148
6EEJ. Antonio García-Macías, Franck Rousseau, Gilles Berger-Sabbatel, Leyla Toumi, Andrzej Duda: Quality of service and mobility for the wireless internet. Wireless Mobile Internet 2001: 34-42
5EEFranck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: Streaming Support in an Advanced Multimedia Infrastructure for the WWW. ISCC 1999: 173-179
4EEFranck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: An Advanced Multimedia Infrastructure for WWW-Based Information Systems. WECWIS 1999: 108-115
3EEFranck Rousseau, J. Antonio García-Macías, José Valdeni de Lima, Andrzej Duda: User Adaptable Multimedia Presentations for the World Wide Web. Computer Networks 31(11-16): 1273-1290 (1999)
2 Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: An Execution Architecture for Synchronized Multimedia Presentations. ECMAST 1998: 42-55
1EEFranck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda: Synchronized Multimedia for the WWW. Computer Networks 30(1-7): 417-429 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Cristiana Amza [19]
2Gilles Berger-Sabbatel [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [14]
3Jordi Casademont [18]
4Catalin Drula [19]
5Andrzej Duda [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
6J. Antonio García-Macías [3] [6] [7] [8]
7Yan Grunenberger [20]
8Romaric Guillier [16]
9Martin Heusse [9] [11] [13] [14] [16] [18] [20] [21] [23]
10José Valdeni de Lima [3]
11Elena Lopez-Aguilera [18]
12Justinian Oprescu [10] [12] [17]
13Laurentiu-Sorin Paun [10] [12]
14Vincent Roca [15]
15Eryk Schiller [22]
16Paul Starzetz [9] [21] [22] [23]
17Leyla Toumi [6] [7] [8]
18Vincent Untz [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)