
John A. Roulier

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7EEEdward L. F. Moore, Thomas J. Peters, John A. Roulier: Preserving computational topology by subdivision of quadratic and cubic Bézier curves. Computing 79(2-4): 317-323 (2007)
6EEJohn A. Roulier, Bruce R. Piper: Prescribing the length of rational Bézier curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 13(1): 23-43 (1996)
5EEJohn A. Roulier, Bruce R. Piper: Prescribing the length of parametric curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 13(1): 3-22 (1996)
4EEJohn A. Roulier: Specifying the arc length of Bézier curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 10(1): 25-56 (1993)
3 John A. Roulier: Curves with Monotone Curvature form Bézier Curves of Specified Arc Length. Geometric Modeling 1992: 1-12
2EETom Rando, John A. Roulier: Designing faired parametric surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 23(7): 492-497 (1991)
1EEJohn A. Roulier: Bézier curves of positive curvature. Computer Aided Geometric Design 5(1): 59-70 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Edward L. F. Moore [7]
2Thomas J. Peters [7]
3Bruce R. Piper [5] [6]
4Tom Rando [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)