
Ounsa Roudies

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3 Brahim Lahna, Ounsa Roudies, Jean-Pierre Giraudin: Une approche multivue pour la conception de systèmes d'information à base de composants. INFORSID 2005: 45-60
2EEOunsa Roudies, Mounia Fredj: A Reuse Based Approach for Requirements Engineering. AICCSA 2001: 448-450
1EEMounia Fredj, Ounsa Roudies: A Pattern Based Approach for Requirements Engineering. DEXA Workshop 1999: 310-314

Coauthor Index

1Mounia Fredj [1] [2]
2Jean-Pierre Giraudin [3]
3Brahim Lahna [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)