
Brigitte Roudaud

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5 Daniel Bachut, Isabelle Duquennoy, Lee Humphreys, Tita Kyriakopoulou, Anne Monceaux, Fiammetta Namer, Jean-Michel Ombrouck, Claire Perrey, Anne Poncet-Montange, Maria-Claudia Puerta, Caroline Raffy, Brigitte Roudaud, Simon Sabbagh: A Generic Lexical Model. EAMT Workshop 1993: 141-158
4EEBrigitte Roudaud, Maria-Claudia Puerta, Otemea Gamrat: A procedure for the evaluation and improvement of an MT system by the end-user. Machine Translation 8(1-2): 109-116 (1993)
3EEBrigitte Roudaud: Typology Study Of French Technical Texts, With A View To Developing A Machine Translation System. COLING 1992: 1284-1288
2EEBernard Seite, Daniel Bachut, D. Maret, Brigitte Roudaud: Presentation Of The Eurolang Project. COLING 1992: 1289-1293
1 Brigitte Roudaud, Valé Lavigne, Olivier Lagneau, Earl Minor: SCENARIOO: A new generation UIMS. INTERACT 1990: 607-612

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Bachut [2] [5]
2Isabelle Duquennoy [5]
3Otemea Gamrat [4]
4Lee Humphreys [5]
5Tita Kyriakopoulou [5]
6Olivier Lagneau [1]
7Valé Lavigne [1]
8D. Maret [2]
9Earl Minor [1]
10Anne Monceaux [5]
11Fiammetta Namer [5]
12Jean-Michel Ombrouck [5]
13Claire Perrey [5]
14Anne Poncet-Montange [5]
15Maria-Claudia Puerta [4] [5]
16Caroline Raffy [5]
17Simon Sabbagh [5]
18Bernard Seite [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)