
Victor Roudakov

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6EEKirill Bolshakov, Andrei Borshchev, Alex Filippoff, Yuri Karpov, Victor Roudakov: Creating and Running Mobile Agents with XJ DOME. PaCT 1999: 410-416
5EEAndrei Borshchev, Yuri Karpov, Victor Roudakov: COVERS 3.0 - An Object-Oriented Environment for Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Real-Time Concurrent Systems. DIS-RT 1997: 39-
4EEAndrei Borshchev, Yuri Karpov, Victor Roudakov: Systems modeling, simulation and analysis using COVERS active objects. ECBS 1997: 220-227
3 Andrei Borshchev, Yuri Karpov, Victor Roudakov, Alexei Filippov, Alexei Sintotskij, Sergei Fedorenko: Analysis of a Distributed Election Algorithm Using COVERS 3.0 - A Case Study. PaCT 1997: 175-188
2 Andrei Borshchev, Yuri Karpov, Victor Roudakov, Alexei Filippov, Alexei Sintotskij, Sergei Fedorenko: COVERS 3.0 - A C++ Based Graphical Modeling and Simulation Tool. PaCT 1997: 409-423
1 Andrei Borshchev, Yuri Karpov, Victor Roudakov: COVERS - A Tool for the Design of Real-time Concurrent Systems. PaCT 1995: 219-233

Coauthor Index

1Kirill Bolshakov [6]
2Andrei Borshchev [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Sergei Fedorenko [2] [3]
4Alex Filippoff [6]
5Alexei Filippov [2] [3]
6Yuri Karpov [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
7Alexei Sintotskij [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)