
Amir Rothschild

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6EERaphaël Clifford, Klim Efremenko, Ely Porat, Amir Rothschild: From coding theory to efficient pattern matching. SODA 2009: 778-784
5EEEly Porat, Amir Rothschild: Explicit Non-adaptive Combinatorial Group Testing Schemes. ICALP (1) 2008: 748-759
4EERaphaël Clifford, Klim Efremenko, Benny Porat, Ely Porat, Amir Rothschild: Mismatch Sampling. SPIRE 2008: 99-108
3EEAmihood Amir, Klim Efremenko, Oren Kapah, Ely Porat, Amir Rothschild: Improved Deterministic Length Reduction CoRR abs/0802.0017: (2008)
2EERaphaël Clifford, Klim Efremenko, Ely Porat, Amir Rothschild: k -Mismatch with Don't Cares. ESA 2007: 151-162
1EEEly Porat, Amir Rothschild: Explicit Non-Adaptive Combinatorial Group Testing Schemes CoRR abs/0712.3876: (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Amihood Amir [3]
2Raphaël Clifford [2] [4] [6]
3Klim Efremenko [2] [3] [4] [6]
4Oren Kapah [3]
5Benny Porat [4]
6Ely Porat [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)