
Marcus A. Rothenberger

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5EEDerek L. Nazareth, Marcus A. Rothenberger: Assessing the cost-effectiveness of software reuse: A model for planned reuse. Journal of Systems and Software 73: 245-255 (2004)
4EEThiagarajan Ravichandran, Marcus A. Rothenberger: Software reuse strategies and component markets. Commun. ACM 46(8): 109-114 (2003)
3EEMarcus A. Rothenberger, Kevin J. Dooley, Uday R. Kulkarni, Nader Nada: Strategies for Software Reuse: A Principal Component Analysis of Reuse Practices. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 29(9): 825-837 (2003)
2EEMarcus A. Rothenberger, Derek L. Nazareth: A Cost-benefit-model For Systematic Software Reuse. ECIS 2002
1EEMarcus A. Rothenberger, Uday R. Kulkarni, Kevin J. Dooley: Critical success factors for software projects. ICIS 1998: 331-335

Coauthor Index

1Kevin J. Dooley [1] [3]
2Uday R. Kulkarni [1] [3]
3Nader Nada [3]
4Derek L. Nazareth [2] [5]
5Thiagarajan Ravichandran [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)