
Arnd Roth

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5EERenaud Jolivet, Arnd Roth, Felix Schürmann, Wulfram Gerstner, Walter Senn: Special issue on quantitative neuron modeling. Biological Cybernetics 99(4-5): 237-239 (2008)
4EERenaud Jolivet, Felix Schürmann, Thomas K. Berger, Richard Naud, Wulfram Gerstner, Arnd Roth: The quantitative single-neuron modeling competition. Biological Cybernetics 99(4-5): 417-426 (2008)
3 Henry Markram, Arnd Roth, Fritjof Helmchen: Competitive Calcium Binding: Implications for Dendritic Calcium Signaling. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 5(3): 331-348 (1998)
2EET. J. N. Brown, Roger B. Mallion, Paul Pollak, Arnd Roth: Some Methods for Counting the Spanning Trees in Labelled Molecular Graphs, Examined in Relation to Certain Fullerenes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 75(2): 199-200 (1997)
1EET. J. N. Brown, Roger B. Mallion, Paul Pollak, Arnd Roth: Some Methods for Counting the Spanning Trees in Labelled Molecular Graphs, Examined in Relation to Certain Fullerenes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 67(1-3): 51-66 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas K. Berger [4]
2T. J. N. Brown [1] [2]
3Wulfram Gerstner [4] [5]
4Fritjof Helmchen [3]
5Renaud Jolivet [4] [5]
6Roger B. Mallion [1] [2]
7Henry Markram [3]
8Richard Naud [4]
9Paul Pollak [1] [2]
10Felix Schürmann [4] [5]
11Walter Senn [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)