
Emilio García Roselló

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8 Markus Aulkemeier, Jürgen Heine, Emilio García Roselló, Jacinto Gonzalez Dacosta, J. Baltasar García Perez-Schofield: Towards a Classification Scheme in Orthogonal Dimensions of Reusability. ICSOFT (SE/MUSE/GSDCA) 2008: 122-126
7EEJ. Baltasar García Perez-Schofield, Emilio García Roselló, Francisco Ortín Soler, Manuel Pérez Cota: Visual Zero: A persistent and interactive object-oriented programming environment. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 19(3): 380-398 (2008)
6EEEmilio García Roselló, María J. Lado, Arturo J. Méndez, Jacinto Gonzalez Dacosta, Manuel Pérez Cota: A component framework for reusing a proprietary computer-aided engineering environment. Advances in Engineering Software 38(4): 256-266 (2007)
5EEArturo J. Méndez, Emilio García Roselló, María J. Lado, Jacinto Gonzalez Dacosta, Manuel Pérez Cota: Integrating Matlab Neural Networks Toolbox functionality in a fully reusable software component library. Neural Computing and Applications 16(4-5): 471-479 (2007)
4 J. Baltasar García Perez-Schofield, Emilio García Roselló, Manuel Pérez Cota: El modelo de persistencia basado en contenedores: conclusiones sobre una aproximación distinta hacia la persistencia. JISBD 2003: 431-440
3EEEmilio García Roselló, José Ayude, José B. García-Schofield, Manuel Pérez Cota: Design principles for highly reusable concurrent object-oriented systems. Journal of Object Technology 1(1): 107-123 (2002)
2EEJ. Baltasar García Perez-Schofield, Emilio García Roselló, Tim B. Cooper, Manuel Pérez Cota: Managing schema evolution in a container-based persistent system. Softw., Pract. Exper. 32(14): 1395-1410 (2002)
1 J. Baltasar García Perez-Schofield, Tim B. Cooper, Emilio García Roselló, Manuel Pérez Cota: El rendimiento en Sistemas de Programación Persistentes. JISBD 2001: 253-264

Coauthor Index

1Markus Aulkemeier [8]
2José Ayude [3]
3Tim B. Cooper [1] [2]
4Manuel Pérez Cota [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
5Jacinto Gonzalez Dacosta [5] [6] [8]
6José B. García-Schofield [3]
7Jürgen Heine [8]
8María J. Lado [5] [6]
9Arturo J. Méndez [5] [6]
10Francisco Ortin (Francisco Ortín Soler) [7]
11J. Baltasar García Perez-Schofield [1] [2] [4] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)