
John A. Rose

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20EEZuwairie Ibrahim, John A. Rose, Akira Suyama, Marzuki Khalid: Experimental implementation and analysis of a DNA computing readout method based on real-time PCR with TaqMan probes. Natural Computing 7(2): 277-286 (2008)
19EEZuwairie Ibrahim, Muhammad Faiz Mohamed Saaid, Ali S. Paramita, Akira Suyama, John A. Rose: An improved readout method of molecular computation based on real-time PCR implemented on DNA Engine Opticon 2 System. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 1829-1834
18EEZuwairie Ibrahim, John A. Rose, Yusei Tsuboi, Osamu Ono, Marzuki Khalid: A New Readout Approach in DNA Computing Based on Real-Time PCR with TaqMan Probes. DNA 2006: 350-359
17EEJohn A. Rose, Ken Komiya, Satsuki Yaegashi, Masami Hagiya: Displacement Whiplash PCR: Optimized Architecture and Experimental Validation. DNA 2006: 393-403
16EEKen Komiya, Satsuki Yaegashi, Masami Hagiya, Akira Suyama, John A. Rose: Experimental Validation of the Statistical Thermodynamic Model for Prediction of the Behavior of Autonomous Molecular Computers Based on DNA Hairpin Formation. DNA 2006: 428-438
15EEJohn A. Rose: The fidelity of the tag-antitag system: Characterization of the stringent temperature for robustness in the excess limit. KES Journal 9(4): 285-292 (2005)
14EEJohn A. Rose: The Fidelity of the Tag-Antitag System III. Robustness in the Excess Limit: The Stringent Temperature. KES 2004: 40-49
13EEJohn A. Rose: Equilibrium Modelling of Oligonucleotide Hybridization, Error, and Efficiency for DNA-Based Computational Systems. KES 2004: 8-10
12EEMax H. Garzon, John A. Rose: Editorial. Natural Computing 3(4): 357-359 (2004)
11EEJohn A. Rose, Akira Suyama: Physical modeling of biomolecular computers: Models, limitations, and experimental validation. Natural Computing 3(4): 411-426 (2004)
10EEJohn A. Rose, Russell J. Deaton, Akira Suyama: Statistical thermodynamic analysis and designof DNA-based computers. Natural Computing 3(4): 443-459 (2004)
9EEJohn A. Rose, Mitsunori Takano, Masami Hagiya, Akira Suyama: A DNA Computing-based Genetic Program for In Vitro Protein Evolution via Constrained Pseudomodule Shuffling. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 4(2): 139-152 (2003)
8EERussell J. Deaton, Junghuei Chen, Hong Bi, John A. Rose: A Software Tool for Generating Non-crosshybridizing Libraries of DNA Oligonucleotides. DNA 2002: 252-261
7EEJohn A. Rose, Mitsunori Takano, Akira Suyama: A PNA-mediated Whiplash PCR-based Program for In Vitro Protein Evolution. DNA 2002: 47-60
6 Masami Hagiya, John A. Rose, Ken Komiya, Kensaku Sakamoto: Complexity analysis of the SAT engine: DNA algorithms as probabilistic algorithms. Theor. Comput. Sci. 287(1): 59-71 (2002)
5EEJohn A. Rose, Russell J. Deaton, Masami Hagiya, Akira Suyama: PNA-mediated Whiplash PCR. DNA 2001: 104-116
4EEJohn A. Rose, Russell J. Deaton, Masami Hagiya, Akira Suyama: The Fidelity of the Tag-Antitag System. DNA 2001: 138-149
3EEJohn A. Rose, Russell J. Deaton: The Fidelity of Annealing-Ligation: A Theoretical Analysis. DNA Computing 2000: 231-246
2 Russell J. Deaton, Max H. Garzon, John A. Rose, Donald R. Franceschetti, Stanley Edward Stevens Jr.: DNA Compunting: A Review. Fundam. Inform. 35(1-4): 231-245 (1998)
1 Max H. Garzon, Y. Gao, John A. Rose, R. C. Murphy, Russell J. Deaton, Donald R. Franceschetti, Stanley Edward Stevens Jr.: In Vitro Implementation of Finite-State Machines. Workshop on Implementing Automata 1997: 56-74

Coauthor Index

1Hong Bi [8]
2Junghuei Chen [8]
3Russell J. Deaton [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [10]
4Donald R. Franceschetti [1] [2]
5Y. Gao [1]
6Max H. Garzon [1] [2] [12]
7Masami Hagiya [4] [5] [6] [9] [16] [17]
8Zuwairie Ibrahim [18] [19] [20]
9Marzuki Khalid [18] [20]
10Ken Komiya [6] [16] [17]
11R. C. Murphy [1]
12Osamu Ono [18]
13Ali S. Paramita [19]
14Muhammad Faiz Mohamed Saaid [19]
15Kensaku Sakamoto [6]
16Stanley Edward Stevens Jr. [1] [2]
17Akira Suyama [4] [5] [7] [9] [10] [11] [16] [19] [20]
18Mitsunori Takano [7] [9]
19Yusei Tsuboi [18]
20Satsuki Yaegashi [16] [17]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)