
Helge Rosé

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5 Frank Schweitzer, Helge Rosé, Werner Ebeling, Olaf Weiss: Optimization of Road Networks Using Evolutionary Strategies. Evolutionary Computation 5(4): 419-438 (1997)
4 Torsten Asselmeyer, Werner Ebeling, Helge Rosé: Analytical and Numerical Investigations of Evolutionary Algorithms in Continuous Spaces. PPSN 1996: 112-121
3 Helge Rosé, Werner Ebeling, Torsten Asselmeyer: The Density of States - A Measure of the Difficulty of Optimisation Problems. PPSN 1996: 208-217
2 Frank Schweitzer, Werner Ebeling, Helge Rosé, Olaf Weiss: Network Optimization Using Evolutionary Strategies. PPSN 1996: 940-949
1 Helge Rosé, Werner Ebeling, Johannes Schuchhardt: Evolutionary Strategies for Solving Frustrated Problems. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 79-81

Coauthor Index

1Torsten Asselmeyer [3] [4]
2Werner Ebeling [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Johannes Schuchhardt [1]
4Frank Schweitzer [2] [5]
5Olaf Weiss [2] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)