
Bernard-Pierre Roques

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4EEGilles Tiraboschi, Marie-Claude Fournié-Zaluski, Bernard-Pierre Roques, Nohad Gresh: Intramolecular chelation of Zn2+ by - and -mercaptocarboxamides. A parallel ab initio and polarizable molecular mechanics investigation. Assessment of the role of multipole transferability. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(10): 1038-1047 (2001)
3EEGilles Tiraboschi, Bernard-Pierre Roques, Nohad Gresh: Joint quantum chemical and polarizable molecular mechanics investigation of formate complexes with penta- and hexahydrated Zn2+: Comparison between energetics of model bidentate, monodentate, and through-water Zn2+ binding modes and evaluation of nonadditivity effects. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(13): 1379-1390 (1999)
2 S. Boiteux, J. Belleney, Bernard-Pierre Roques, J. Laval: Two rotameric forms of open ring 7-methylguanine are present in alkylated polynucleotides. Nucleic Acids Research 12(13): 5429-5439 (1984)
1 A. Delbarre, M. I. Gourevitch, B. Gaugain, J. B. Le Pecq, Bernard-Pierre Roques: 1H NMR study of an ethidium dimer poly(dA-dT) complex: evidence of a transition between bis and monointercalation. Nucleic Acids Research 11(13): 4467-4482 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1J. Belleney [2]
2S. Boiteux [2]
3A. Delbarre [1]
4Marie-Claude Fournié-Zaluski [4]
5B. Gaugain [1]
6M. I. Gourevitch [1]
7Nohad Gresh [3] [4]
8J. Laval [2]
9J. B. Le Pecq [1]
10Gilles Tiraboschi [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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