
Antoine Rollet

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9EESébastien Salva, Antoine Rollet: Testabilité des services web. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 13(3): 35-58 (2008)
8EEFares Saad-Khorchef, Antoine Rollet, Richard Castanet: A framework and a tool for robustness testing of communicating software. SAC 2007: 1461-1466
7EEAntoine Rollet, Fares Saad-Khorchef: A Formal Approach to Test the Robustness of Embedded Systems using Behaviour Analysis. SERA 2007: 667-674
6EEAbbas Tarhini, Antoine Rollet, Hacène Fouchal: A pragmatic approach for testing robustness on real-time component based systems. AICCSA 2005: 143
5EEHacène Fouchal, Sébastien Gruson, Ludovic Pierre, Cyril Rabat, Antoine Rollet: Integrated Tool for Testing Timed Systems. ISSADS 2005: 153-166
4EEHacène Fouchal, Antoine Rollet, Abbas Tarhini: Robustness of Composed Timed Systems. SOFSEM 2005: 157-166
3 Hacène Fouchal, Cyril Rabat, Antoine Rollet, Abbas Tarhini: Experimental Test Generation for Real-Time Systems. IASSE 2004: 284-289
2EEAntoine Rollet, Hacène Fouchal: Testing Protocol Robustness. IICS 2003: 201-215
1EEHacène Fouchal, Antoine Rollet: A Simple Testing Technique for Embedded Systems. OPODIS 2003: 159-170

Coauthor Index

1Richard Castanet [8]
2Hacène Fouchal [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Sébastien Gruson [5]
4Ludovic Pierre [5]
5Cyril Rabat [3] [5]
6Fares Saad-Khorchef [7] [8]
7Sébastien Salva [9]
8Abbas Tarhini [3] [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)